Gallavanting,people watching,PHOTOGRAPHY,MUSIC,searching for cheap vintage clothes,tea,cooking (when I indeed have someone to cook for),painting,doodling,ART in general,reading,writing,film,travel(truthfully, I haven't done much, but that doesn't mean I don't love it),dabbling in foreign language,learning interesting things to bring up in conversation later,and yoga.
There are far too many. Some I already have, some I never will.People that make me think.
Or those who are just plain interesting.
I like just about everything. And I'm not one of those people who uses that word loosely because I'm lazy. I mean it. I'm pretty sure my repetoire would make even the largest of Ipods explode.
I encourage you to have a conversation with me about this.
Don't watch it, kids. And if you do, download your shows commercial free from the internet. However as seen here, it's best not to watch it at all:[And also, one of the many reasons why the Japanese version of something is always better.]
...are for reading.
My friends. ...And certain small family members.