Skooter profile picture


Smile, you'll live longer! I think?

About Me

Welcome to my life. It's a freakin blast!!

I am anything but a simple guy! The layered , the onion, blooming get the point. I have layers to my personality and lots of them! I guess this is both a good thing and a bad thing. As a child, my family moved constantly all over the U.S. and Germany. Yes, you guessed it, we were in the military. Making new friends in various places became second nature to me and maintaing the freindships that already existed was a breeze. I can attribute my people skills to this and am happy to have the ability to walk into a room and meet a new friend almost instantly.
I believe that confidence, happieness and true beauty comes from within and that it is your spirit that people are attracted to when they meet you. People enjoy being around those who are happy and light hearted. I am someone who talks about inner beauty an awful lot but, make no mistake! I do not mind a pair of Gucci glasses or designer jeans every now and again and again and again. Ok, ok, those that know me know that I like nice things but despite that I love people. I am infact an accomplished people watcher, I study thier movements, posture, expressions, likes and dislikes and as a result, learn a lot about those around me. I am also a pisces which makes me ultra intuative and that comes in handy once in a great while.
Hollywood I-Candy often imitated, never duplicated!As I get older, I find that life really is too short and while it's great to have an accomplished career, a home, and a pretty good savings, it is imperative to learn to enjoy those things as well and to have people around you to enjoy them with. As a result, I have begun traveling the world much more than I used to and trying new things. Making the most out of every moment is key.
I am the type of person to always joke about things even when times are tuff. I poke fun at life's problems and prefer to fix them instead of sulking in them or finding out who's fault something is. I am happy most of the time, even when I should be upset. I can sometimes be a tad bit caddy but some would say that's part of my charm. I love Los Angeles and am proud to say that I live here. The one thing that I know above all else is that my freinds and family are my number one asset and I love them with all of my heart.
I love Halloween!As I wrote in the first paragraph, I am anything but a simple guy and couldn't possibly write everything about myself in this small box. In fact those who know me also know that I am always trying not to fit into the box. I am constantly changing and growing and I love it!

My Interests

Professional Skooter! Need a mortgage?
I love sports, athletic competition to me is one of the spices of life. I have played baseball since I could walk and love the game. In my old age of 26, I travel all over the country playing softball and love it. I have even competed on an international level and done quite well. I also love hiking, running, snowboarding, and go to the gym about 5 times a week(more if I can.) It's not always a good thing but..... when I committ to playing either a game or sport, I play to win.
Language is great. I learned Spanish in college and am currently enrolled in the Beverly Hills Lingual institute to learn French as well.
I also love music! I play five instruments and can sing pretty well. One day when I get off my ass, I will write and produce an album of my own. Until then, I guess singing in the car is always good.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a great spirit and a desire for life. People who enjoy trying new things and who have fun no matter what they are doing. I am especially intrigued by those who have the ability to show me something that I did not know either about myself or the human experience.


Anything and everything. I love music!


Pride and Prejudice, Interview with a Vampire, American Beauty, Romy and Michell's High School Reunion(They are from Tucson,) Mrs. Henderson Presents, The Sweetest Thing, The Matrix Trilogy, Glatiator, X-Men and Great Expectations


I try not to watch television.


Die Broke