I'm a simple person with very basic needs and wants. The definition of a Virgo. I am a rework in progress. I've traveled over 2000 miles to come to the desert for a vision quest and to rise with the phoenix. I 'm the proud guardian of a piebald dachshund. The mighty Prince Henry. He is named for the prince in the story with the glass slipper, you know the one.
I tend to keep up with the good and evil people of salem as well as the professional football team in Denver. Family Guy is the greatest cartoon ever, sorry Homer. Jack Bower, well what else can you say. As of right now, my iTunes collection weighs-in 58 gigs. I am music. Music is me. Think like a drummer, play like a bassist. That's what I say!
Most of all, I have fully embraced change and am looking forward to the next phase of life. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!!!