*NiNjA GuRL* profile picture

*NiNjA GuRL*

Juz Hold Me Close.. Inside Your Arms 2nite...

About Me

I'm just a simple girl in this great big World. = ) I'm a Lover & a Wanderer.
I wake up with a good attitude even though I'm not really a morning person. People should never go to bed angry becuz the next day is ruined already before it even has a chance. My first initial reaction when I see someone is to smile. I like being happy & optimistic. When I'm happy, I'm the most fun person to be around. When I'm sad, I'm distant & cold. It's hard to get me down but even harder for me to get out of that mode. The best thing to do is probably hold me. Walk away & you're lost to me.... Being given a genuine, heart-felt hug is the best feeling in the world. When I'm mad, I want to pick a fight juz to get it out of my system... and then I'd probably cry cuz I hate being mad. haha. I'm an older sibling so I have a protective nature. I have a tendency to protect & stand up for people who I feel were wronged. It hurts my heart to see people get hurt so I have somewhat of a super-hero complex. I have answers to everyone's problems but my own. If I like you, I want to be w/ you, a lot. If I don't, I won't lead you on. I hate games so play them w/ someone else. Don't let me catch you playing w/ me or you'll pay... I'm vengeful that way. I know I'm a spoiled brat at times but my adorable self totally deserve the BEST!! ; ) I value family, friendship, kindness, honestly, compassion, respect & loyalty. Turn your back on any of those & I lose respect for you.
&hearts&hearts &hearts&hearts &hearts&hearts &hearts&hearts
I love to hug cuz I'm affectionate. I love to kiss cuz I'm passionate. I love to play cuz I don't want to grow up. I love to dine out for the taste & ambience, I love traveling to experience the world outside my own, I love shopping cuz I love NEW things. Movies are fun cuz you get to experience another life. I enjoy camping, hiking, boat rides, canoeing & juz being outside cuz nature is beautiful. Going out dancing w/ my friends is always fun cuz it's a great way to whine down from the week before & the week to come. Any group activities is awesome cuz it's a great way to get to know people better... I'm all about building relationships & making sure everyone in my life is well..Win my heart & you'll forever be Loved = ) &hearts&hearts

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


My most favorite thing is do is to Capture Memories!


Everyday is a treasured moment that should be held on to... you may need those moments later. Time is something you can't have back once it has passed...so it's nice to be able to look back and remember the adventures, friends and life you've lived.


Besides my obsession with taking pictures, I LOVE SUSHI!! Traveling, Shopping!! (Nothing makes me feel better than new clothes/shoes/purses/books/mags besides SUSHI or a Warm Hug!). I love spending time w/ family and friends (specially my nephew Alex!), Art, Music, Movies, Dining Out (checking out diff. resturants & taste all the flavors of the world), Animals! (I want a jungle full of em!), the Rain.. Water cools my Spirit.... Soft Things...*SUSHI* (I can eat the stuff for breakfast, lunch & dinner!), Meeting new people, making unexpected friends = ) Learning random things, Rocky Road Ice Cream, Seafood (specially crabs!), Starbuck's Caramel Frapp., Chocolate w/ Nuts, Lilies (Stargazer, Tiger or Cala), Climbing Mountains & reaching the top, Beautiful views, City Lites, The Beach/Ocean, Piggy-back Rides! Random acts of kindness =) Back-rubs MMmMmmm, Holding Hands, Passionate Kisses, Passionate kisses in the rain = ) Deeeelicious dinner cooked/prepared juz for me! (um, who doesn't wanna be pampered!?) Seductive, knowing looks, Lingering hugs, Cuddling/Spooning, Slow, Slow Dancing...juz swaying to the music... Ok, that was a totally random... Yes, I'm a Romantic and a girly girl..but have no doubt, I can kick azz ; ) &hearts&hearts

I'd like to meet:

People who are fun to be around & aren't into a lot of drama. Life throws a lot of obstacles your way so why make things more difficult? Looove easy-going people who juz go w/ the flow...they don't complain constantly becuz they appreciate juz being alive... I believe people should have more courage to say how they feel & be open about themselves. Life is too short to keep feelings hidden, wishing for miracles. Own up to your life & make it happen for yourself! You'll never know what is possible until you try. I love meeting strong, independent people who are confident enough in themselves to not be an Azzhole to others. &hearts&heartsIf you're laid-back, goofy & open-minded, we'll get along juuuuuzzz fine = ) Don't ever try 2 change me cuz I love myself juz the Way I Am.. = ))


I like being exposed to different types of music. Don't really have a favorite band or singer. I like Punk/Alternative, Hip Hop/Dance, Trance/Techno, R&B/Soft Rock, Pop, Country ballads, Jazz, Classical.. I try to keep an open mind about everything. Never limit yourself! I like music that makes you feel something... &hearts&hearts


I have WAY too many favorites to list. I mostly enjoy Romantic Comedy, Comedy, Drama, Action, Thrillers... I'm starting to get more into Indie Films.


SCRUBS (omg! this show is the best!) SEX & THE CITY, The Office, Law & Order, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Seinfeld, Alias, Friends, ER, That 70's Show, Grey's Anatomy, Will & Grace, 24, House, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, 6 Feet Under series, CSI, Without a Trace, Girlfriends, NEXT... (damn, I miss cable)


Umm.. I'm juz a bit obsessed w/ Sudoku right now.. I bought a thick-azz puzzle book for pple to enjoy @ work, one for home that has over 1,000 puzzles & a mini one 2 carry around incase I ever get bored. Great way to relieve bordom I tell ya! Keeps your mind going... Otherwise, I enjoy reading/collecting random How-To books. It's always fun to learn something new. Oh yeah & I have enough magazines to build a paper mansion (mayb even a castle!!) for when I become a starving artist/homeless person...


My Parents = ] They are the GREATEST people in the whole world! They've been thru HELL & came out alive & still full of compassion & love which they have taught us to have for others. They're truly amazing & have affected the lives of many people in their own "small" ways... I have SO much Respect & Love for them!!!

My Blog

How To Love (yep- instructions for the love-impaired!)

In honor of this special day for Lovers... Incase you need instructions.. here are some helpful hints to the love-impaired: How To Love: (courtesy of http://www.wikihow.com/Love)Love is a strange thin...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:48:00 PST

Is It Love...

I've always loved this piece so when I saw it on Nancy's page.. I felt I needed to post it up to share... I'm sorry to say I don't know who the author is. I hope you find it as enlightening as I did....
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:41:00 PST

Wisdom Comes with Age... (Most of the time)

I looooove quotes!! I think to sum a thought or advice in one or two sentences takes great skills. Here are some I like that are inspiring to moi:Carl MunsonThe universe is a big place. But it's okay ...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 01:48:00 PST

Attitude Determines My Day

I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight;I have responsibilities to fulfill today.I am important;My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.To...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:24:00 PST


I'm recently watching this Chinese series I found online called "Devil Beside You". If you're a romantic, you'll agree it's truly a cute one! Something about it triggered a feeling of hope & happiness...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Sat, 05 May 2007 11:36:00 PST

Snake Bite

I love to dream. There, only, can you live the life you truly want, change it how you want & make everything you ever desired come true. I used to dream a lot. Vivid dreams I controlled & crazy, excit...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Sat, 26 May 2007 12:05:00 PST

Mistakes.. When Will We Ever Learn?

How many mistakes does one have to make in order to learn a lesson?? In my case.. I juz don't. *Sigh* I think I'm missing that Voice.. you know.. the one that says "Don't DO IT!! You know better... th...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 12:02:00 PST

Fantasy Vs Reality

It's almost midnite, I'm tired as hell but yet, I can't make myself go to bed. GrRrRrRr. So I google "insomnia" to find that I might have either "Acute" or "Chronic" Insomnia. That or it's becuz of po...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:31:00 PST

Awe Man!!!

Dude, I have to say I have the chubbiest cheeks in the world!! It's like I have lil' balloons inside of my face where people's cheeks are suppose to be. GRrRrRRRRr. Why me!!!?? That's it! I'm never s...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 11:26:00 PST

What Hurts The Most....

When I first saw this Grey's Anatomy video along with this beautiful song by Rascal Flatts, it totally touched me. I guess I have a soft spot for anything to do w/ Lost Love... I have the video in my ...
Posted by *NiNjA GuRL* on Mon, 29 May 2006 06:51:00 PST