Aimee' profile picture


I am detest and desire; all wet and on fire.

About Me

This is the year I graduate and pass the sommelier exams and, for that reason, probably not the year to quit drinking. LOL. I run hot and cold, just like any other insane woman. I love my dog a lot. I love wine and I've recently found that I love working out for so many reasons. I actually love the smell of sweat in the weight room, feeling my body contract and tighten with each set, and running on the eliptical as fast and hard as I can for 25 minutes. Sometimes I feel like I can't make it and then I think of all the things I must overcome and pretend I'm winning every time I keep running and lift one more set and find the inner strength not to stop. The best things in life I love to share.Layout made by ryanne at .
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My Interests

I'm interested in renting movies and tv series I've missed, laying at home with my dog in my down time, educating myself at school and on wine and food and whatever else and I like to pal around with a select few buds. I'm starting to like going to clubs less and less and prefer entertaining at home or in a more sit-down position. Dancing is fun though, as always.

I'd like to meet:

someone to laugh with. someone to get naked with. someone who'll help me find my cell phone and keys frequently. someone who doesn't mind the dog hair that is all over my life. in other words, more good friends.










My dad and mom. I think anyone that overcomes fear and obstacles to greater heights has hero-potential. I see heroes all over this planet that find the strength to keep on trying. Nathan Peter Burkett (1973-2005) Who talked to me a lot about family in a time when I thought I'd lost mine. Who also took me out dancing and made me feel loved even though I knew I wasn't the only woman he admired. To a life that was lost way too early, but lives on in my thoughts day to day. I miss your face among the faces, Nathan. I miss your style. enjoy :]

My Blog

You always get what you want.

You always get what you want.  I mean, sometimes at least.  I got up late and slept hard last night after a weekend of Memorial Day in the sun and then Ozomatli last night (great band) and w...
Posted by Aimee' on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:47:00 PST

to sum it all up

Living life has always been a slippery slope for me because of my consistent and constant reflection. On one hand, I have always tried to understand my actions and the actions of others. My interest h...
Posted by Aimee' on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 03:19:00 PST

On behalf of the question, "Why should I work out?"

So I'm working out these days at the Y and I'm the girl you roll your eyes at in the locker room because I don't care if you see me naked.  First I lift weights, then I do the Eliptical machine f...
Posted by Aimee' on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:09:00 PST