Crystal profile picture


sAy iT lOud~ sAy iT prOud

About Me

Life keeps me running in circles... full of never ending cycles... but no matter what the madness of this world brings at me- MuSiC & the MaGic it holds always guides me through......
.. Create Your OwnLayout made by Luckystar15

My Interests

I find myself interested in anything that happens to spark a bit of imagination in my minds eYe. I like to write poems, take pictures & play on photoshop, make collage art & crafts with pieces of magazine cutouts(tins,picks,ect), ballet, scrapbooking, sewing, jammin to tunes!!!!/listen to audio books. I collect rocks, coins, Horror novels, Cd's, my kiddos artworks, lotto tickets, & concert stubs(i like tO scrAp theM in a sPecial bOok tHat i made jUst fOr'em) My concert line-up to date is...(not in any order & nOt enough room fOr the lOcal line-up:(~sorry gUys ~ ya knOw yA still gOt my luv ~x~o~x~)... Bob Seger, ToOl(~twice~), A Perfect Circle, GodSmaCk (~twice~), Incubus, Iron Maiden, Dio, MotorHead, Black Crows, Burning Brides, Foo Fighters, WeeZer, Kid rOck, Adema, StOne SoUr, KoRn, DeFtones, HenRy rOllins & the RolliNs bAnd & The rIverbOat gAmblers(AmazIng nIght-wAs oN the rAil infrOnt of the sTage-definantly aN experience i mUst say I'll neVer fOrget!)~ IsIs, Rob ZoMbie;), sHineDown, TesTamEnt,Slayer, Marilyn Manson,tHe DoNNas...newly aDDed...In fLaMes & MegAdeTh at GigAntOur~kIcK aSS sHow- kiLler crOwd- wHat mOre can a gIrl asK fOr:)~ NewlY added ~ StOne Temple PiLots!!!

I'd like to meet:

...My fAmily is my Heart- combined to make me who i am & what matters above All in my LiFe... here are a few of my heArts memories......
.. Create Your Own..


~Through out the History of ManKind ...every time period... every civilization... every culture- around the globe -has oNe toOl thAt uniTes us all as a humAn race. That toOl is MuSic...iT iS the kEy that unlOcks our sOul and giVes iT ~wiNgs~ expression of the oNe within- a part that can oNly be seen with the meloDy's guiding eYe~...MusiC is the trUest way to one's SoUl- aNd tHe ultimAte way tO show it... ~System Of a dOwn~ BooM!!! ~Aimee Allen~ Ron Paul RevOlution!!! ~CranbeRRies~ ZomBie ~MiNistRy~ Lies,Lies,Lies ~APC~ Counting Bodies ~Tool~ FortYsiX & tWo


~A few piCs i'm prOud to say my hUbby & i hAve taKen...i thiNk sPiders are aMaziNg creAtures wHom neVer get enOugh cRedit fOr their aBilities ~bUt i muSt say all oF nAtUres creAtures -mAke me think oF a liFe in a peAceful wAy...sO muCh moRe siMple than oUr crAzy mAnkiNd wAys...not to bUy or tAke or cOrrupt...tHey liVe siMply tO liVe~

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... the tv is infected with blah~blah ...i watch movies if i use it~......i dO liKe tarot cArds ~fiTTing that i gOt this cArd......i alwAys gEt iT in a deAl~

You are The Moon

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.

The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


~i uSed tO read alOt-aLwaYs hAd a bOok i was in tHe middle oF or jUst fInishiNg uP~ bUt liFe hAs hAd me in sUch a whIrlwInd lAtely tHat nOw i jUst pOp in a bOok on CD and liSten whIle I wOrk~ i aM a hOrror fAnatIc oR aNy tYpe oF mYstery~ sOmetHing tO pUzzeL tHe mInd and gEt it gOod and stIrred wIth wOnder~i alSo liKe tRue stOries- the hOnest wAys of mAnkiNd jUst amaZes the mInd aN reMinds mE wHy i am the wAy I am~


~AnyOne who mAkes a stAnd fOr whAt they they believe iN ~As fOr a hEro oF tAlentS...aNd mE bEing A sUcker fOr the melOdy oF a beAtiNg dRum...i gUess DaNNy iS my hEro of miNd tuNes~tHe pOunding rhythm thAt stIcks wiTh yOu~hEard lOud beyOnd all sOunds...eVen whEn nO mUsic pLays...

My Blog

~My Ren Fest Pics 2007 & 2006~

Posted by Crystal on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 01:58:00 PST

...has Mankind lost all Honor...

Here are a couple of poems i wrote - we live in such a mad and confused time, one in which mankind has brought upon it's self... Has mankind really lost its honor? What makes us choose the things we ...
Posted by Crystal on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 05:42:00 PST

Words, words & meanings

-Words come & words go...(and i can't remember shit!) I love words... as a single or combined to make melody... words can hold deep and true meanings............................ In a personal ques...
Posted by Crystal on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 07:25:00 PST