Things that remind me I'm alive! Shooting Pool, Writing, Tattoos, Motorcycles, Rock-N-Roll, Shooting Pool, Motion, Art, Writing, Google, Anything that grows me.
Real People. I hate bullshit; integrity is very important: sometimes all you have is your word. A sense of humor. Interesting not just interested, must have good stories-I don't just wanna be entertained, I wanna be moved.
all things that rock-old and new, music that makes me shake my ass, music to grind to, music i can feel from head to toe, music that moves my soul
I love movies. I can watch movies 24/7. I like my Action, Horror, Suspense, Comics Books, FX, Thrillers on the BIG screen sitting dead center in the middle of the theater. Everything else NETFLIX in my house, your house, her house, his house...movies!!!! GRINDHOUSE MOTHERFUCKERS!!! IT'S THE SHIT!
rots your brain, contributes to the destruction of society
Stories by: Sedaris, Irvine Welsh,Toni Morrison, Jerzy Kosinski, Umberto Eco, Kafka, China Mieville, Thomas Pynchon, Vonnegut, Gibson, Steinbeck, Anis Nin...things that are disturbing, or that make me laugh or cry.
Angela Davis, Gloria Steinem, Jane Goodal, Diane Fosse, Kittie Lee, Diane Lee, Sharon Joy, My Nana Goldie