THE NME IS SHIT profile picture


10th July 2006 It begins now.

About Me

In 2002 Conor McNicholas was appointed as editor this is the day that NME became the most lurid piece of filth to establish itself on the market. Plus it focused on new British bands which lets all face it half of them don't deserve to be pissed on if a giant flame thrower accidentally hit. In December 2005 accusations were made that the NME end of year poll had been edited for commercial and political reasons. These criticisms were rebutted by McNicholas, who claimed that webzine had got hold of an early draft of the poll, we say 'HELLO PINOCCIO'. These accusations have not affected the sales of the paper or stopped McNicholas from winning industry awards. However, it is now time to make the world realise and especially the British public that this publication is as useful as Big Brother winners to our society.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Conor McNicholas and shake his hand (previously having wiped my hand on my buttocks after a night consuming curry and copious amounts of alcohol)Every artist that has turned half the music industry into a pile of rotting flesh.


The good stuff.



My Blog

t shirts

These are in production folks! Finally, we can now state any money made will be going directly to registered charities. More news coming soon. Merry Christmas folks :)
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 02:52:00 PST

Morrissey Speaks

As you will have all heard by now Morrisseygate has well and truly hit the media. The following is a release by him today taken from The Guardian as I messaged to Conor McPrickolas the other day there...
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 10:44:00 PST

In Rainbows Opinions

Right come on good old fashioned debate!   What do you reckon to the whole Radiohead thing today i.e. the album first off? (we are loving it!) The way it was released? The news that bands like Oa...
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 02:13:00 PST

An old rant we found in the back of the office

The following is a report on the advantages and disadvantages of the 'musical' and I use that term lightly magazine NME. New Musical Express, firstly I think you will find this is false advertising a...
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 01:40:00 PST

I Hate The NME - By Mr A

I Hate The NME.. A blog In which our cheery author wonders just what the fuck went so wrong with the UK's biggest selling music magazine, why Connor McNicolas is the Antichrist, why MySpace is a god...
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:39:00 PST

The eNeMEy

It was 1995, this was the year that echos in my mind as one of the best years of my time in music proceeding my character shaping musical love that was grunge from the early 1990's. 1995, however, was...
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:29:00 PST

The votes..........................

The votes.............. Well, well, well, Where does one start? Firstly, can I first state that I do think the Mercury Prize is probably one of the most worthy of musical prizes in terms of recogn...
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 11:17:00 PST


Hello People, Thought it was about time to send out a half decent message. We need to outline why exactly we are doing this and for what purpose. Firstly, the whole purpose about this site is to illus...
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 02:14:00 PST


Enough of the pretention, the arse-backwardness and the self-importance. The NME is in it's implest element a band that aids the emergance of new music that might otherwise not reach such a mass publi...
Posted by THE NME IS SHIT on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 05:24:00 PST