Sportbikes, Movies, Motorcycles, Planes, Flying, MotoGP, Motorcycle Roadracing, MMA
I've met everyone I've ever wanted to meet that isn't dead already, so everyone I meet now is just a bonus. Not looking for anyone in particular, just have a lot of friends on here, and I keep a lot of stuff I've written here on this site in lieu of having to design my own webpage to keep a bunch of various writings and such. I tend to type up my thoughts on various message forums, when I do something I don't want to forget the details of, or feel I have something to say, and I've tried keeping most of them in my blog section here. Even if you click on view all blogs, above, you can click on older ones once you are on that page. I thought it was deleting the older ones because I had posted so many, but it just only lists so many at a time. There is a lot of them in there, now.
Everyone on my friends list was someone I met in person before adding them onto my friends list, and not just people I'd talked to .. or something, but lately I've been adding some people I haven't met, like a couple of the pro racers on there (I've met every one of those but Jake Holden and Der Hoffmeister), and Toni...but adding strangers all started with Maria, though!
I added Ricky James, because he is an absolute inspiration, and reminds me that I have no fucking problems to speak of...EVER.
Waaay past the party scene, and not just because I'm so friggin' old! lol
I'm sure that all sounds appealing and all, but I really just use this to talk to people I know, not to publicize your band or to meet teenagers in Uzbekistan :-)
So if we've never met, I'll probably deny your friend request, but send me an actual message, and I'll probably respond! (Bet THAT attitude makes you wanna chat me up now, huh? lol)
I'm watching YOU!!
Changes with my mood, but most everything that makes me move and matches my mood (or creates it!) Everything from old Motown to Metallica. I'll list some favs when I get around to it. I'm not real heavy into music at all, though (been to maybe 4 concerts and have bought about 5 albums...ever).
True Romance (Fave),
Boondock Saints,
American History X,
the whole Star Wars saga,
Matrix 1,
Seven Samaurai,
pretty much anything by Kurosawa,
The Usual Suspects,
Grand Canyon,
Private Ryan,
Kill Bill Vol I & II,
Reservior Dogs,
Ghost Dog,
Shogun (yeah, it was a TV miniseries, but you can get it on video, so it's a movie),
Sixth Sense,
Bruce Lee series,
I could go on forever...I'll add them as I think of them, and can remember how to get back to the "edit profile" page.
MotoGP, Motorcycle Roadracing, MMA
Most anything to do with history, Shogun, most anything about Japan, Stephen King, Sue Grafton, Harlan Coben and anything that teaches me something.
Those who dare to live their dreams...and those that live life to the fullest, and make no excuses.