Contemplation, Evolutionary and Horoscopic Astrology, Yoga/Chi Gong, Music, Physiology/Nutrition, Martial Arts, Dreams, Consciousness, History (ancient and modern), Art, Travel, Drumming, Nature, Dimensional shift, Scrabble!!
Those of like-mind who respect and encourage the self-actualization and ongoing development of consciousness of themselves and those around them.
Tool, Bola, Boards of Canada, FSOL, Radiohead, Faith No More, Ulrich Schnauss, Air, Nine Inch Nails, Tetsu Inoue, Aphex Twin, Alice In Chains, Global Communication, A Perfect Circle, Strapping Young Lad, many others...
Sci-Fi, Fantasy (or reality??), old kung fu movies, LOTR trilogy, The Matrices, documentaries, comedies that are actually funny
The Kids in the Hall, Tenacious D, Family Guy, The Daily Show + The Colbert Report. Comedy is a must for sanity's sake.
Autobiography of a Yogi, Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Astrology Karma, & Transformation, The RA Material, Measuring the Night, David Wilcock's work, Robert Monroe's books, The Third Eye, The Disappearance of the Universe, The Power of Now, Bhagavad Gita, Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha, Kundalini Tantra
Paramahamsa Yogananda, Gandhi, Jeffrey Wolf Green, Dane Rudhyar, Bill Hicks, David Wilcock, Bruce Lee, Maynard James Keenan, Danny Carey, Jack Black, Mike Patton, all Ascended Masters,