Bang em OUT BOSTON BlowafterBlow truest GiggaEater profile picture

Bang em OUT BOSTON BlowafterBlow truest GiggaEater

Blow after Blow truest Gigga Eater

About Me

Welcome to "Tha ChiLL ZoNe" NO ! BITEN ! Mello out to ah PHAT beat and feel tha INSTROLLS, THINK up ah RYHME, FREE verse ah FLOW entertain yaSELF. TRIP out on THAT dope ya MIND GROWS, ya SOUL SHOWS swirling CONCEPTS in TRIPPLE dimension CONTEXTS, Wow's and ohh's SELF governing MENTAL ohms to be BROADCAST through out THE WORLDS homes, HOLMES, HOMIES. Slow ya ROLL, it's ALL COOL, it's ALL GOD's RULE ! An OPENED MIND MAKES TIME TO, Do what NO OPEN mind IS inclined to WHEW !, Can ya FEEL what I send ? It's SILENT YA'LL, but for tha STROKES of MY PEN, click click, tha end.I created this space as a central home page for my music pages. I definitely wanna give MAD PROPS to TOM For doing all that he has and is doing for this whole myspace, your space, and our space thing. I call this the chill zone, and the above rhyme is dedicated to those who do not truely comprehend what it means to have an opened mind.An Opened Mind is one of the most important things I have ever acquired and use everyday. I believe that creativity itself, is the source of openmindedness. I have to thank God for that and the only thing I really know about God is I ain't him.To tell you a little bit about me, I guess I should start with the obvious. I LOVE MUSIC, just about all music. My musical journey started in the earlier part of the 80's breaking which pulled me in to remixing and later lead to creating my own original beats in the begining of the 90's.I hope you enjoy your time here should you choose to travel through the chill zone. If you want to see and hear more about me you can access more stuff using the link on the left.Enjoy you time here & enjoy your time there, where ever you may be.--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------STEADY--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --I wanna thank all of you who have sent messages and left comments. I have not been able to reply back to all and appologize. Right now things are crazy busy and there arn't enough hours in the day. Your comments and messages do get read and will be replied to eventually. Please be patient and know that you are appreciated.------------------------------------------------ --------------------- STEADY-

My Interests


Member Since: 6/17/2006
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Type of Label: None