The Anti Pavi [inferno.] profile picture

The Anti Pavi [inferno.]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"There are many who would take my time
- I shun them"
There are some who share my time
- I am entertained by them
There are precious few who contribute to my time
- I cherish them"
- Anton Szandor LaVey
"I use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own." - Kurt Cobain
.....My name's Kevin, but chances are you know me as Pavi...
"Outlaws are not members of society. However, they may be important to society. Poets remember our dreams, Outlaws act them out." - Tom Robbins
"If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you." - Henry Rollins
"Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won't adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice. Instead of vowing to honor and obey, maybe we should swear to aid and abet. That would mean that security is out of the question. The words "make" and "stay" become inappropriate. My love for you has no strings attached. I love you for free." - Tom Robbins
I am not a Criminal. I am not a drug addict, nor am I a drug dealer. I am not a poet. I am not an artist. I am not a good person. I am not patriotic. I am not my outward, physical apperance. I am not a happy childhood. I am not my family. I am not tolerant. I am not sincere. I am not smart. I am not complex. I am not striving to succeed. I am not living up to my potential. I am not valuable. I am not a people person. I am not a functional relationship. I am not a plesant person. I am not a martyr. I am not your friend. I am not trustworthy. I am not a musician. I am not a singer. I am not cool. I am not a satan worshipper. I am not an anarchist. I am not optimistic. I am not a contributing member of society. I am not what you think.
I Am An Outlaw. I am everything you wouldn't expect me to be. I am racist. I am the art of a plane crash. I am paranoid. I am a lit cigarette. I am a broken heart. I am an asshole. I am everything you hate to love. I am everything you secretly wish you were. I am a head full of ideas that will never be carried out. I am a living, breathing movie. I am insomnia. I am Inferno. I am out of love. I am incomplete. I am vunerable. I am a pirate. I am a viking. I am a superhero. I am Kurt Cobain. I am Tyler Durden. I am Saint Vicious. I am the Boogeyman. I am the voice inside your head. I am the devil on your shoulder. I am different. I am indifferent. I am the same. I am a ghost. I am your fear of failure. I am a trojan horse. I am music. I am a corrupted soul. I am a liar. I am the truth. I am submissive. I am passive agressive. I am living in excess. I am not knowing your limits. I am regret. I am a morning-after revalation. I am the root of all evil. I am the essence of the Anti-Pavi. I am all that you are not........I Am An Outlaw.......
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
I Love:
Music, Drugs, Energy Drinks, Singing, Poetry, Heavy Music, Painting, Self Expression, Charcoal Drawings, Vampyres, Philosophy, Philisophical Discussions, Mosh Pits, Skanking, Crowd Surfing, Fight Club, Chuck Norris Jokes, Playing Shows, Akward Silences, Jack Daniels, Physical Pain, UFC, Getting Into Fights, Dressing Like A Banana, Debates, Discussing Music, Watching Videos Of Riots, Paintball, Beer, Staying Up For Days At A Time, Video Games....I dont know what else....
I Hate:
People, Emotions, People Who Abuse My Trust, People Who Use Drugs As A Crutch, Talking On The Phone, People Who Hate Things Just Because They Don't Understand Them, Homophobics, Ignorant Racism, People Who Live In America But Don't Speak Fucking English, People Who Are Hyper 24/7, People Who Automatically Assume Satanism Means Worshipping "The Devil", Corperations, Obnoxious and/or Loud People, Bands Who Play Up To The Current Trend Of "Emo Babies" And Self Mutilation Just To Sell A Record, The Current Trend Of People Hurting Themselves For Attention Or Because Their Mommy And Daddy Won't Buy Them The Newest iPod, Avril Lavigne, Jocks/Meatheads, Myspace Whores, Soccer, People Who Think I Am/Was Ever A Drug Addict, People Who Try To Sound Intelligent But Actually Are Completely Ignorant, Wiggers, Our Current Government, Borat, My Generation, People Who Claim Obesity As A Disease...And So much, much more...
Sober - Tool
School - Nirvana
Spit It Out - Slipknot
Wait And Bleed - Slipknot
Institutionalized - Suicidal Tendencies
N.I.B. - Black Sabbath
Losing A Game - The River Bottom Nightmare
Kim - Eminem
Welcome Home - Coheed And Cambria
The Willing Well IV: The Final Cut - Coheed & Cambria
Lunchbox - Marilyn Manson
Post Blue - Placebo
Dead In Ditches - Hollywood Undead
Golden I - Mindless Self Indulgence
Mad World - Gary Jules
Fight Club
Donnie Darko
Boondock Saints
Party Monster
Waking Life
Was Tun, Wenn's Brennt?
Nightmare On Elm Street
Saw 1, 2 & 3
Silence Of The Lambs
Gus Van Sant's: Last Days
How to make a Pavi
20 Parts Sarcasm
15 Parts White Power
25 Parts Homicide
2 Parts Suicide
23 Parts Paranoia
36 Parts Kurt Cobain
14 Parts Books
99 Parts Poetry
10 Parts Love
50 Parts Hate
28 Parts Scarcasm
99 Parts Drugs
17 Parts Alcohol
101 Parts Music
30 Parts Violence
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of Angel Dust and enjoy!

Personality cocktail
This Is The Story Of A Banana...In A Human's World
Yes....I'm the banana....Pachomski is fliming....Summer '04 [I think] .. width="425" height="350" ..
You scored as Pinhead. You are Pinhead. You come straight from hell. Your curiosity has caused you to make some mistakes in life. But you are now more powerful than you have ever been. You enjoy pain just as much as you enjoy pleasure. Unlike most killers, you like to make sure your victims suffer for all eternity.







Hannibal Lecter


Freddy Krueger


Michael Myers




Captain Spaulding


Jason Voorhees


Buffalo Bill

Which Horror Killer are You?
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You scored as absinthe. you are artistic and creative, but a little unstable. you are magical and can have dillusions, and are a little mysterious.




















what alcoholic drink are you (pictures)
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I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Everything You Could Ever Want in a Survey. Seriously.
Basic Stuff.
Name: Pavi
Age: 17
School: Knolls
Eye Colour: Changing
Hair Colour: Natrually- Brown
Food: Burritos
Colour: Black and White
Non-Alcoholic Beverage: Mt Dew
Bad Habit: Being an asshole
Band: Nirvana
Solo Artist: Marley
Album: Check out the list
Book: Fight Club/A Clockwork Orange
TV Show: King of Queens
Movie: Fight Club/Donnie Darko/Boondock Saints
Take Your Pick.
Love or Lust: Love
Music or Television: Music, deffinatly
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Winter or Summer: Winter
Literature or Math: Lit. easily
Coffee at night or Coffee in the morning: Neither, I hate coffee
Handwrite or Type: Handwrite
Halloween or Christmas: Halloween
Physical fight or Verbal fight: Physical, deffinatly, I hate verbal confrontation
Good Will or Salvation Army: Salvation Army
Your Best:
Relationship: Shut up
Memory of High School: German class, Freshman year
Concert attended: So many....Incubus, SOAD, Sounds of the Underground 2006....Love them all
Moment of triumph: First show I ever played
Pick-up line: I have a huge cock
First date: Shut up
Last person you kissed: Rocky Horror
First car: My shitty Nissan truck I got from my dad
Last word you said: Dont remember
First CD you bought: KoRn - Follow The Leader
Last thing you ate: Cookie
First best friend: Russ/Greg
Last thing to piss you off: The weed being gone
First thought in the morning: Wow I reely dont want to be awake
Last time you laughed: A few hours ago
Answer in lyrics.
Who are you?: I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight Toker....
What do you feel?: And yes it seems as though Im going nowhere really fucking fast.
What is your life philosophy?: When in Rome we shall do as the Romans, when in Hell we do shots at the bar.
What is your religion?: Satan my Master/Upside down i turn the cross of god
How do you view the world?: It's a Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of Phreaks
Randomize your playlist and answer with the song title you get.
What do you enjoy?: Bottled Violence [Minor Threat]
How do your friends see you?: War Within A Breath [Rage Against the Machine]
Your future: My Apocolypse [Arch Enemy]
Your past: Hash Pipe [Weezer]
You last words: Her Middle Name Was Boom [Glassjaw]
Clothes: Pants/Shirt/Hat
Significant other/crush: No
Song listening to: Polly Want A Beatdown - Scurvy
Mood: Bored, Baked Over
Desires: Ganj, Cigarettes
Worries: Nothing at the moment
Thing you see when you look away from your computer: TV, Wall, Snake
Thing you're eating/drinking: Drinking - Orange Fanta
Temperature: Chilly
Date: April 12th?
Loudest: Shaun, probably...Not in a bad way though
Best: Russ
Most clumsy: Dont know
Most adorable: Rocky Horror
Most hilarious: Russ/Ezra/Shaun
Most intelligent: Ezra or Downs
Most spoiled: None reely...
Most like you: Russ/Ezra
Least like you: All of them are like me and not like me in different ways
Most spontaneous: Jes
Seven Songs You're Obsessed with Right Now
1.: Death to Birth - Pagoda
2.: Ebolarama - Every Time I Die
3.: Welcome Home - Coheed & Cambria
4.: No. 5 - Hollywood Undead
5.: Grim Reefer - Bongzilla
6.: Post Blue - Placebo
7.: Lunchbox - Marilyn Manson
Six Fictional Characters You Wish Were Real
1.: Tyler Durden
2.: Donnie Darko
3.: The Lorax
4.: Alex De Large
5.: Claudio Kilgannon
6.: Jesse Kilgannon aka Inferno
Five Things You Couldn't Live Without
1.: Poetry
2.: Weed
3.: My friends
4.: Music
5.: Art
Four Guilty Pleasures
1.: British Pop
2.: Sci-Fi shit
3.: Pokemon
4.: Mainstream Rock
Three Wishes
1.: Unlimited amount of money
2.: Ability to play any intstrument ever invented, perfectly
3.: Telekenisis, Mind Reading, Mind Control, etc.
Two Things You Should Have Been Doing While You Took This
1.: Sleeping
2.: Sleeping
One Piece of Advice You Would Tell the Whole World
1.: Never be what "they" expect you to be.
Take this survey | Find more surveys | MySpace Surveys
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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Haha....Fuck Yes.

Rock n' Roll
Mind Altering Substances
Serial Killers
Blood And Honour
Language and Words
Climbing Trees


You scored as Blood. Your turn on is blood. You adore the colour, the taste, the texture, the thickness... everything. You probably like to bite/to be bitten. Sex isn't sex without the ecstasy of blood.











Blind Folds

What's Your Kinky Turn On?
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I'd like to meet:

Meg White

Zach Braff

Mary Magdalan

Dani Filth


Sid Wilson

You scored as Sid #0. You are the sick son-of-a-bitch Sid Willson. Reality is all in your imagination and hights are for jumping from! You have a love for the sick and twisted, Horror movies, and going doing crazy shit. When younger you did an over dose of acid, not like that changed you at all...

Sid #0


Chris #3


Corey #8


Shawn #6


Mic #7


Craig #5


Joey #1


Jim #4


Paul #2

Which Slipknot member are you most like?
created with


Make your own Banner here!


Coheed & Cambria
Nine Inch Nails
Norma Jean
Marilyn Manson
The Left Rights
The Dresden Dolls
Drowning Pool
Children of Bodom
Cradle Of Filth
Mindless Self Indulgence
Bury Your Dead
The Number 12 Looks Like You
Killswitch Engage
System Of A Down
Alice Cooper
Faith No More
Bad Acid Trip
The Devil Wears Prada
The Faint
Amon Amarth
Leftover Crack
Lamb Of God
Heavy Heavy Low Low
Black Sabbath
Cock and Ball Torture
Billy Talent
The Meat Puppets
DJ Starscream
The Left Rights
Insane Clown Posse
Kottonmouth Kings
Wu Tang Clan
Kid Koala
The Libertines
Bikini Kill
Morning Glory
Frank Zappa
Circle Takes The Square
The Caskets
Zombina & The Skeletones
Rage Against The Machine
Sicks Deep
Every Time I Die
Rise Against

And A Lot More....I'll add some more later


Fight Club, above anything else...But other then that...

Edward Norton
David Fincher
Malcolm McDowell
Morgan Freeman
Angelina Jolie
Micheal Pitt
Jared Leto
Helena Bonham Carter
Samuel L Jackson
Nicholas Cage
Jason Mewes
Snoop Dogg
Kevin Smith
Zach Braff

Fight Club, duh
A Clockwork Orange
American History X
Boondock Saints
Donnie Darko
Party Monster
Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
Saw I, II, & III
Ultimate Versus
Was Tun Wenn's Brennt
Gus Van Sant's: Last Days
American Beauty
Dawn Of The Dead
Army Of Darkness
Nightmare On Elm Street
CKY movies
You Got Served
And a bunch more...


INVADER ZIM, CSI: Las Vegas, That 70's Show, Mythbusters, Family Guy, Futurama, Rob & Big, The Dudesons, Team Sanchez, Angry Beavers, Rocko's Modern Life, The Boondocks, Transformers, Dirty Jobs, Daily Show


Fight Club,
Still Life With Woodpecker,
A Clockwork Orange
Battle Royale
The Adventures Of Alice In Wonderland,
Through The Looking Glass
Oh The Places You'll Go
1 Fish 2 Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish
DaVinci Code,
Angels And Demons,
HEAVY: The History Of Metal,
Who Killed Kurt Cobain?,
Kurt Cobain Journals,
Heavier Then Heaven,
Marilyn Manson Talking,
The Noonday Demon,
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Chuck Palanuik
Tom Robbins
George Orwell
Lewis Carroll
Anthony Burgess
Dr. Seuss
Ian Christe
Kurt Vonnegut
Friedrich Nietzsche

I'll add more later.


Kurt Cobain.
Tyler Durden.
Little Jimmy Urine.
Bernard Mickey Wrangle.
Vincent Price.

My Blog


Inferno I am the Night, the Bloodsucking NocturnityI envelope your soul, I am the nighttime of EternityI am the shadow. The Nightmare in your DreamcatcherI am your inevitable demise, as the mob scream...
Posted by The Anti Pavi [inferno.] on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 07:28:00 PST

In The Company Of The Dead

The regret of he who uses, cannot be forgottenConnect - with the soul, of the one smothered by cottonLost in, this memory of a dream,A life made of fantasy, what can this mean?Futile were his efforts,...
Posted by The Anti Pavi [inferno.] on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 01:59:00 PST

Untitled (for now)

He saw Her across a crowded roomDancing atop Her shrouded plumeSpinning and twirling with Joy in Her eyesIf that boy was God that joy would surviveIf only She knew of his disguiseShe'd misconstrue his...
Posted by The Anti Pavi [inferno.] on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:25:00 PST

Your Life Is A Deathtrap

A white light of a person,An Angel among WhoresThese people, I curse themThough I speak out, no moreBut a wolf lay beside meIn the clothing of sheepAnd in truth, I despise theeAnd no longer sleep...Be...
Posted by The Anti Pavi [inferno.] on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 04:27:00 PST

Her Life Is His Deathtrap (Your Life Is A Deathtrap pt. 2)

The rebellion of Millions - Cut down by oneThe individual Deception - What have we become?Hatred - Not an emotion but a choiceListen, Just listen to the Hatred in his voiceAnd he screams, from the bot...
Posted by The Anti Pavi [inferno.] on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 06:04:00 PST

SLEEP (It's long but please read and let me know what you think)

Hatred falls from a darkened shroudAs the rain falls from a darkened cloudListen to the mute, how he screams out loudIgnore his cries and let him sleep now Let him sleep and never wakeForce feed him a...
Posted by The Anti Pavi [inferno.] on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 01:33:00 PST