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Ok. This is a fan site for HATEBEAK. If you don't know the story, this is a death metal grindcore band that has an avian vocalist. It's sick as hell and definately worth the listen. Hatebeak is on Reptilian Records, and has a split on Relapse Records. Here is the discography so far:

Hatebeak and Longmont Potion Castle (Reptilian Records split)
Hatebeak and Caninus (Reptilian Records split)
Hatebeak and Birdflesh (Relapse Records split)

To be released on Reptilian Records soon:

Number of the Beak (Reptilian Records full)

Please donate to Jesse's family. Lets make sure he gets the "passing into oblivion" ceremony he deserves.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/5/2006
Band Website: reptilianrecords.com/reptilian/hatebeek.html
Band Members: Waldo and his guys.

Influences: Be concerned about conservation. Donate to the wildlife warriors foundation.
Here's the site:


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The Good people and k-9's of CANINUS.
Sounds Like: Badass Death Metal Grindcore, with an avian screeching it's guts out.

Record Label: Reptillian Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Story Thus Far

Face-crushing guitars, head-pounding drums, bass so low you'll vacate your bowels, and vocals so scorching, so extreme they simply can't be human! They're not. This death metal outfit with a parrot fo...
Posted by Hatebeak on Thu, 08 May 2008 01:47:00 PST

Update Regarding the new cd "Number of the Beak"

The artwork is finally done. Hatebeak have been waiting 18 months on this, but it is now finally done. The release of the cd is still in TBA status. It will be released through Reptillian Records.More...
Posted by Hatebeak on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 02:10:00 PST

Some UPDATES for you people.

Not for sure as of yet, but there will be a CD on Reptillian Records. It will be called "Number of the Beak". The Hatebeak/Birdflesh split is in it's second pressing. So get them at Relapse Records or...
Posted by Hatebeak on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 09:08:00 PST