BonoMeat is the worlds greatest tribute band to U2. we believe that they are so awesome they need someone else to help pick up the slack and show the darker side of Bono. It all started one drunken night when a Mr. Garber and a Mr. Slayer were discussing grindcore and how silly it can be, the next morning hung over and miserable we remembered our conversation and decided to do something so serious it couldn't be taken serious and so begun the lyric writing for BonoMeat. With Slayer on guitar and Garber on vocals we merely needed an excellent drummer. Well, we're still looking for a good drummer but we did however run into a Mr. Shlonkey. Shlonkey proved he was metal enough to join the team and has been mixing and recording and providing a drum machine for our band since our first recording. And thus the circle was complete with many guests musicians joining in on our antics and recordings we shall continue until they shut us down!!!
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