I like a lot of things. Most things, in fact. Of course, there are some things I like more than other things. Remind me to tell you what they are sometime.
A sugar daddy. You know, 'cause I'd like to do theatre, and that doesn't typically pay well... but if I can't meet a sugar daddy, I could go for a Sugar Daddy. Candy is good.
Lately, I have been listening to crooners and torch songs a-go-go. No reason; I just like them. And, of course, I listen to the soundtracks for the shows I have coming up (yes, most of my CDs are musical theatre). I have also been listening to this strange compilation of songs I recorded from records at my grandmother's house many moons ago. I really wish I'd written down the albums I got them from, or the artist's names, or something more than the song titles. Because without that, I fear my old school tapes are irreplaceable... and where else am I going to find the disco version of the 'Star Wars' theme next to a Tijuana-brass-style version of 'Love Potion No. 9'?
I heart old movies -- like crazycakes!No, really... I do. And I think you all should go out now and watch 'Start the Revolution Without Me.' Especially if you expect to understand half of what my family says when we get together ("I took the secret passageway!" "I know you are my sister!" "Who's the one with the cut finger?" "Still later that night" "I thought it was a costume ball!" "You said you'd go quietly. Burn down the farm" "And I shall be queen!" "How many costumes do you think I can pack?" and it just goes on and on...)I'm much pickier about new movies. For example, I hate 'Titanic.' That was a bad movie, and I would not only like to get the time I spent watching it back, I would also like to reclaim the brain cells that have since been occupied by my memories of that horrible film. Bad Titanic. Bad. Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.
I like to flip through channels until I find something that is interesting yet not so engaging that I can't easily put most of my attention on whatever project it is I happen to be working on: hand-sewing, script-reading, what have you. Frequently, the shows that fit the bill are such things as Clean House, Law & Order, Monk, House, Psych, The Office, Family Guy, reruns of old sitcoms like Step By Step and The Cosby Show, What Not To Wear, The Daily Show, Good Eats, UnWrapped, etc. By and large, if it's on "Network TV," I don't watch it. Huzzah for cable!
Fo' sho' How many books do I have? A few bookshelves' full more than I've ever bothered to count. How many books have I read? Double the above, at least.
People who actually talk on the phone to their friends and family members. Seriously. I don't know how you do it. I generally avoid the phone like, well, a plague-infected phone. Unfortunately, this often leads many people to believe I am uninterested in "keeping in touch" with them, when in reality, I consider periodic e-mails to be "keeping in touch," and periodic phone calls to be the bane of my existence.