Syren of Blackwater Prophecy profile picture

Syren of Blackwater Prophecy

If you wait too long for the perfect moment, the perfect moment will pass you by.

About Me

"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed."
~ Albert Einstein
I am not sure what I can say about myself that would be of relevance to what my intentions are... perhaps nothing, and perhaps everything.
I am a singer in a hard rock/metal band. I do not growl, I just sing. But I love all music and even my vocal styles vary from genre to genre of course.
Don't confuse me for the rocker party girl who has wild weekends and a wild lifestyle... Just because I have died my hair black, red, purple, or fucia in the past, please don't mistake me for some hardcore bad ass chick... though I can be, I won't lie... but I tend not to be. I tend to be very conservative, and avoid drugs and alcohol. BUT... I do moderately drink on occasion though never ever to the point of sickness.
I am a working professional and wake up early to get to work... this night owl is now a day walker and reserve my nights for peaceful slumber. I am not getting old, but I am at a different stage in my life where I can appreciate a productive day. No more Trix for me since I am no longer a kid.
I have recently taken an interest in photography, but have yet to secure the camera I want. I love video editing too, so you can see, I just love media arts.
I am a peaceful being but imperfect. I do find myself in passionate situations. I find I get angry though I try not to be. I also love to be active and challenge my physical self. I strive for balance of mind body and spirit!
I assure you, I am a big dork, a goof ball, and a I have a big sense of humor (both light and dark).
I am definitely an adventurer and love to experience new things in life to learn and grow from.
No, I am not interested in dating you, but thanks.
Sorry if I assumed you were interested when you truly weren't.
Yes I like making new friends so long as they are good.
If you wish to know more, just ask. I noticed even if I post it here, people don't generally read everything.

My Interests

Anything where I can be creative interests me... and that can be applied to many things both in arts, activities, thought, and interaction. I don't mean to be so general, but it is true.
I love music, I love Fantasy stuff (Dragons, Mermaids, Fairies etc.), I love to live and enjoy this life here on earth and find myself depressed when I can't do that. I love interaction with my fellow Terrans of all breeds and Species. I love nature... recently I've added Photography to my list of hobbies. Hmmm I don't know... ask me and you'll find out.
This is nothing new but I am glad someone made it mainstream, I believe this is a good thing.
The Secret

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I'd like to meet:

Free thinkers, eternal students, teachers, friends, and passer-by's.
Anyone negative or with an unwillingness to better themselves.


Ur So Gay


Oh buddy... you best ask me 'bout my favorite movies 'cause I ain't gunna list'em! (And I spelled things that way on purpose as to show an accent... I am into correct spelling and grammar.)


For a while I despised it and some how I found programming I enjoy.
Heroes and currently into Sara Conner Chronicles.

Heroes Zeroes Auditions


VAMPIRE BOOKS!!! They usually have all the cool stuff like Suspense, Mystery, Action, Sexyness... etc... but I read mostly reference.


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
~Jimi Hendrix
"This life is but a page in an enormous book, in which we will always be who we are, but always with the inherent needling of ambitious pursuit. A pursuit that takes us from the boring tedium of self-reflection, of self-hate... and to self-creation of new dreams... And we are ambitious gods." -Ramtha, Master Teacher, founder of Ramtha School of Enlightenment.
That proud moment where you realize it isn't pride at all but rather it is the satisfaction of helping a human being, an animal, or a plant; and you realize that living is more than a Gucci shirt, Prada shoes, and a Play Station 3... Then you'll know who my heroes are, because you will be one of them... just live a life of substance... Captain Planet of course...
"When death comes, let me die in battle at the reins of my chariot, SPEEDING INTO THE JAWS OF MY DESTRUCTION, and if I might find my glorious end this day, let it be filled with pain and great suffering, so that in the afterlife amongst the Honored Dead I might never forget what it was like to be truly alive."
- Anonymous Roman Centurion
Oh and people who do stuff like this...

My Blog

Even the Gods Must Evolve

I sometimes wonder why we were cursed with such short lives and such limited use of our brain as well as our very own frailty as far as our health goes...  we are not perfect even though the gods...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 04:14:00 PST

Sometimes I think about things that could be....

Sometimes I think about things that could be or never will be.  Such as having a kid in a post apocolyptic world.  You may ask, "Why would you think of that?"  I think of such things be...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:08:00 PST

Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)

This month turned out not so great when I began to feel Wisdom Tooth pains and then my period came and was abnormally heavy and painful.  I don't get cramps, and I don't generally bleed longer th...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Thu, 08 May 2008 11:24:00 PST

I am officially a student again!

It's about time.  I enrolled and am sticking to it this time...  I will be going to OCC and figuring it out once there...Additionally, I've been looking at an online school for a couple year...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:50:00 PST

Materialism and Physical Beauty

What is it that sways us towards leading aesthetically pleasing lives?I don't nee all the trinkets and collections I've aquired.  I don't need to concern myself with how my butt looks in a pair o...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Mon, 05 May 2008 12:15:00 PST

Grasping at Air...

The title is inapropriate since all I wanted to say was that my wisdom teeth are again giving me pain, especially the upper left.Both lower wisdom teeth were removed when I was 15 and I should have al...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Fri, 02 May 2008 08:29:00 PST

Peeing in the shower,,, and Hamsters in my Shoe

You know, sometimes when I shower I need to tinkle and I just don't want to stop the water and sit on the toilet while all soapy and dripping wet....  it is more of a disturbing thought to me to ...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:32:00 PST

My Excellent Weekend!

Friday was deemed movie night, quite honestly I had hoped to make it out to my friend Ricky's birthday celebration afterwards but considering how broke I am and how my schedule has been lately, things...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:24:00 PST

"You’re like Peter Pan! You can’t grow up! You won’t be able to fly anymore!"

I got a phone call today. A familiar voice with a question which he warned was stupid.  There is no such thing as stupid questions just stupid people.  But I am not saying he's stupid... on ...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 03:58:00 PST

Revisiting Ambition

In the months leading up to 2007, I became excited.  2007 was my perfect year.  After December 25th, 2006 I would be 25 years old.  My entire 2007 would be lived through the age of a qu...
Posted by Syren of Blackwater Prophecy on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:34:00 PST