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Band to band basis not really a stylistic choice for me [here in music it's going to be last bought or put in my itunes library: NIN, Keiser Chiefs (there second CD is alot better than first, although I do love thier first), Bloc Party, Gorillaz, David Bowie, INXS, Everclear, Jason Mraz, Orgy, Escape Key, White stripes, Vertical Horizon, Franz Ferdinand, Hot Hot Heat, Aquabats, Mighty Mighty Bostones, Jet, Bare Naked Ladies, the Bravery, The strokes, just got mellowdrone and am happy with it not great but happy, Pearl Jam, Rammstein, Snow Patrol, Ben Lee, Savage Garden, DC Talk, Geoff More and the Distance, The Gossip (really into this new one), Wolfmother, Daft Punk (plus all thier videos are freakin awsome), Cake, Creedebce Clearwater Revival, Henry Phillips (if nothing else download Star F****er It's on itunes, funny as heck), Diamond Nights, Deadboy and the Elephantmen (this one is freakin awsome and everyone should check them out!), Thome Yorke (not radio head though, I am not shure why just never liked them but just Thome Yorke I liked), Gomez, oh did I say Deadboy and the Elephantmen, , teh Fratellis (this may be my new obsession cd) Holopaw]
Good ones, which to me means re-watch ability [with this and music I am just going to start listing last ones, in movies that means last DVDs I put in. punisher, sin city, Batman Begins, Hitchhikers guide to the galexy( I think I may have misspelled that), Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Formula 51, Serenity (the only preasent I bought anyone for christmas), and Lord of War, Narnia (LW&W i hope they make more at least till dawntreader), weird but good is Duets (about pro Karioke), Dave, Daredevil (not directors cut with coolieo that is just bad) Fantastic Four, Underworld, Mel Brooks flix, renisaunce man(I can not spell) Highlanders (all but 2) Casino Royale (and some other bonds but the new one makes them all look like jokes, but somtimes cheese is a good thing), The Prestige (definantly one of my all time favorites), Hellboy animated was good, Stranger Than Fiction was great (and knowing other people have a GUI like that for the world, is awsome, and I see my problem with erspective, like him if an angle dosn;t look 90 degree, my brain fixes it), ] And I must say Joss Whedon, if he's involved usualy a good thing.
Boston Legal and House are like the only shows I really like that have not been cancled, most shows I like get cancled the first season, like firefly, keen eddie, 10-8, the Flash,etc.) Yeah once gain Joss is a good thing to have on a show. Now I just hope Raines with Jeff Goldbloom makes it. Ok dog-gone-it there are several shows now I am into again, and they have actualy made it past the first 12 episodes, Scrubs (I got into late), My Name is Earl (if I am in the right mood) Heros (hey it's already obvious I am a comic geek), GOOD EATS!, and I think thats it for now.
Ones with words but pictures are cool too [Art books are reall the only thing I have had time for lately but when it comes to novels, mostly modern fantasy stuff like vampires and werewolves and stuff like that in our time, or even like elves and dragons but mostly set in modern settings is what I am into, or some good sci-fi. Or even just some good mythology and history. Sometimes mainstream fiction all over the place here. If I like it I like it if I don't I don't it's a book bye book thing. Jim Butchers Dresdon File books are good no wait amazing! the series does not do them justic] Oh and comics count right?
Ehh I just changed my mind about the following statement and am going back to not really having heros. [I just thought of one Joss Wheadon, just for sticking with it to get Serenity made. He is actualy brave with his creativity and takes risks. That to me is heroic. (also I think he can spell wich is pretty good to since I can't)]what I used to have here: (mabye part of why I have a rather negative outlook on life is because I can honestly say I don't think I have any heros. All I have ever had have let me down. Man now I am depressing myself, how sad.)