Music, 1200's, & headphones.
Soccer & Soccer
Sport & Competition.
Friends & Family.
Being outside & the opposite sex.
Feeling good & good times.
New friends, fellow athletes (Everton FC players!) and dj's & producers I have not yet met or have perhaps known for years.
Everything. Honest.
Well, some more than others but I do not have hours to sit here and list my music collection :)
If you read about my friends I'm sure you can piece that together..
mmm! movies! me like movies.
Lost.. come back already! Arrested Development, Studio 60, Freaks & Geeks!, Dead Like Me and my newest crack addiction: Prison Break. make them stop.. please.. no more TV!
various subjects
My Family, My Friends.
Athletes faster than I, and a lot of dj's & producers could fill this area quite deep too.
People that have helped me.
People that have a positive outlook, good intention & good creation with thier life.
People that are passionate about thier goals.