music ; astronomy ; baseball ; guns ; toys ; art
Keith Richards ; all the characters at the last supper ; Michelangelo ; Einstein ; Chrissy Hynde ; Kim Basinger ; Kerry's ghost
Shattered Faith ; most OC old punk bands ; Smut Peddlers ; Kiss ; UFO ; Montrose ; New York Dolls ; George Strait ; Lyle Lovette ; Bad Luck Charms ; anything with Kerry Martinez playing guitar ; Firecracker 500 ; Airbourne ; Punk-Rock and Roll
Pink Panthers ; John Wayne ; The Jerk ; Back to School ; Breakfast at Tiffany's ; Cary Grant ; Audrey Hepburn
Lance Link - Secret CHIMP ; Get Smart ; Little House on the Prarie ; Bonanza ; Green Acres
all of them - even shitty ones
My family ; friends ; musicians ; artists ; survivors