dreams. unidentified flying objects and what they represent. the collective unconscious. sad country songs. not so much doing a push up. music that is slow and depressing but not boring. finding talents that come naturally. the gibson lakehouse. the hill country. little trips to pretty places. psychic sensitive children. facial scars. robert redford. the louvin brothers. alex jones (is maybe kind of crazy). slumber parties. sparks. soft sheets. soft pillows. soft clothes. soft hands. most soft things. friends. stories about ex nuns. poetry written a very long time ago by men who are drug addicted, in love, or dying from heartbreak and regret. building houses for the worms that fall from the trees. fried pickles. harry nilsson. brian wilson. men who wear bathrobes. men with beards who wear bathrobes. men who write sad songs, wear beards, and wear bathrobes. pbs documentaries on musical legends. rilke. cancers. little furry cutenesses. families. little pigs. queen latifah. lotion. blueberries. drinking beer outside and sweating. free shows at emos. planning for vision quests. life after death. life before death. life at death. who will be with me when i die? that's my main interest. finding that person.
these magical dwarves. really generous vegan chefs with free time. people who appreciate the bags under my eyes. mystics. other water signs. someone that knows how to get to hueber farms.leonard cohen (not for romancing, though. i hear he's a scoundrel) ramtha. people that believe in heaven. people that have died and come back to life. people with tents. a real life psychic. i dont think i believe in you anymore.
.. width="425" height="350" .. also weird al and anything by claudia's penis.
the straight story, harlan county, USA, all the real girls, woman under the influence, masculin feminin, being there, the runner, killer nerd, small change, enemy mine anything with this guy:
this is the best family in the history of television. also, i like bad girls club.
the brothers karamazov. things written by flannery o'connor. i like hermann hesse and i like to read books of letters that people i admire write to each other.
the berrigan brothers and those who have survived the swamps of sadness. thomas merton. bill murray in ghostbusters. beau randall (1978-2005)