forgers, confidence artists, secret society members, spooks, anyone who has had a guest appearance on the Simpsons/FamilyGuy/Muppets, and benefactors.
girl drummers, tambourines, cowbells, didjeridoos, bands from cities, music from other places, Until the End of the World soundtrack, college radio, public radio, some songs used in commercials. Peaches.
Sherlock Holmes, Post Office, Elementary Particles, Phaidon books, cookbooks, Faulkner, Melville, Joyce, Gabriel Garcia-Marqez, Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Encyclopedia Brown, Oxford English Dictionary, Highlights magazine, other magzines, Gravity's Rainbow, Crying of Lot 49, the Hobbit, LOTR, The Puzzle Palace, White Teeth, Lady Chatterly's Lover, The Rainbow, Sexus, Plexus, Nexus, The Perl Cookbook, Biography of John Adams, Beware the Fish, Shield of Achilles, Arabian Nights, Decameron, Inferno, autobiographies, diaries, journals, notes, letters, Calvin & Hobbes & Locke, The Puzzle Palace, The Reivers, TCP/IP Illustrated. I'm all readed out.
Futurists, Memeticists.