TIBProd. profile picture


"the main center shall be the music itself" (c.s.)

About Me


-tibcd95, insects with tits, 3"
-tibcd87, carl kruger - sound takes II, 3"
-tibcd75, koff koff - the quality of life
-tibcd79, iversen/fischer - aften over landet
-tibcd86, suprastate - modern classics
-tibcd92, cristovam/munroz/barros/rodrigues
-tibcd91, adrián juárez/leandro barzábal - split-series 5
-tibcd99, lydhode - my life in the ghost of bush

all available at 5 euros, wholesaleprices available.

and more is on its way, including
-maurizio bianchi/m.b.& cheapmachines

-koff koff - the quality of life mp3-single
-sindre bjerga/thaw, live warszaw 280607
-cadmium dunkel - au
-fisk på disk - neue fisk
-wilder gonzales agreda - paint the war
-ryan lewis/carl kruger - seawall
-juan josé calarco - [a4]

My Interests


Member Since: 6/15/2006
Band Website: tibprod.com
Band Members:
Record Label: TIBProd.
Type of Label: None

My Blog


so, this blog-thing.. meant for news or..? was thinking; with this myspace-page, play some random tibprod.-featured music, announce concerts involving tibprod.-artists.. promote the catalog/label, may...
Posted by TIBProd. on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 04:33:00 PST