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The Placenta Compilation Vol. 3 (Disc 2)
The Placenta Compilation Vol. 3 (4 Discs of international insanity) is out now on Placenta Recordings/Dadaist Audio!
Download It Here FREE!
*The Zip Folder Download For Disc 1 Is Not Working Currently, but you can still download all of the songs/files individually! We will fix this soon!
*Disc 1 & 2 are available now for free download, discs 3 and 4 will be available next week!
Thanks to all of the awesome bands/artists/labels and especially Chris from Dadaist Audio!
This album is 4 discs of obscure music from all over the world, organized and released by Placenta Recordings/Dadaist Audio! Each zip file comes complete with all of the songs, printable album covers, tracklists, and logos!
*The lady on the cover is D.nye from Austria. She makes awesome breakcore/thrash an works with FREE CHRISTIAN RINGTONES! Listen to her!
I feel that each band/artist on The Placenta Compilations should be heard by all kinds of people!
ALONET013: Jab Lemur - Culto a la Melchorita
Un panorama saturado, la entrada a una calle poblada de cacofonÃa, disonancia y sonidos que luchan por encajar.
Melchorita es una bandera de batalla, un sÃmbolo del movimiento migratorio que nos funde a todos en una masa incontenible y nociva para todo ser ajeno a ella (tal como el ruido). Una estampita que carga el migrante y a la cual se encomienda para no perderse, para no desaparecer, sÃmil de su imagen con la de un cerro, que cobija, refugia, se colma, un roce constante, una ciudad que no da tregua y sigue, y sigue, el destino no es claro pero el todo es una representación de una transformación inminente, todo esta en movimiento y el ruido se plasma en sonidos enormes como alabanzas. Una representación del cambio cultural de la Lima actual y el motor de la transformación que se impregna en la imagen de Melchorita, un efecto que absorbe, colorea, que el resultado de toda esta saturación sea un florecimiento. Lima la llaga que rejuvenece con la nueva tierra, que crece toda, capa por capa, una nueva beatita Melchorita que renace de la tierra erosionada por la maquina. Que llega como una mas y es la beata de la saturación.
Ca110: Jab Lemur - Cannibals
CANNIBALS is an álbum produced by the peruvian noise artist Jab Lemur in June of 2007. Its a colage of sounds, as he calls it, “a Sonic Safari†based in the travels of Theodore Roosevelt in Africa. Its a concept álbum, a history of cannibals and killing around the construction and deconstruction of sounds, it’s also a cannibalistic way to produce an álbum, reciclyng sounds and giving to them a new way to be, the way of the point of view by the artist. Maybe the message of CANNIBALS is life itself and how we coexist, some times the violence is a way of expression, that is how we became cannibals too, or simply serial killers of the day after day.
(1) We descended and were received by these strange creatures, with dialects that we were not understanding and singings that were producing a tickle in my back, they were leading us to cross this almost desert zone and the climate towards increasingly dense, the heat was stifling, but bigger was our expectation of what would come. Teddy and I were walking, I with a tired face, and he with his rifle. (2) Then he saw the biggest animal that it has never seen, enormous fangs trodden that were moving the soil. " good prey ", he said. (3) Teddy tries some shots. It is a banquet. We were chasing this animal that was never falling down, shots on the one hand, for another side. For a moment I thought that it would never fall down, but Teddy made it bite the dust, his boots continued shining. (4) We camped, the procession of natives invited us to their party, the fire, illegal waves of radio. It puts us in a kind of trance, it was contagious. I fell asleep and everything i remembered was this hypnotic sounds and Teddy cleaning his weapon. (5) On the next morning we jumped in to the jeep, Teddy adores to shoot on great speed. The engines scared the natives, they thought, “What kind of beast is that?†as the engines started and we did not feel anything more than our faces against this mechanical sound and the bullets that we left flying as killer butterflies. (6) We stopped for a moment , we saw crossing in our front these birds with very long legs and short wings. Teddy said: "are they thinking on flying like that? I’m not even gonna let them run ". As his face turned diferent, the natives encouraged him and he laughed. He is excited but in madness. No bird flew. (7) More of these enormous beings returned, it seems that they were looking for revenge, Teddy aims at the big one, I believe that he is the leader, the beast staggers, seems that it is going to fall down, Teddy felt like god. The elephant king returns to it, only for a stronger attack, it is a bloody fight. Finally it falls down, Teddy is euphoric. We take a photo of him, and again his expression changed, he is different. (8) Other herds, were passing for a deep cliff, we wanted to shoot some, but it seemed to be impossible, they were too much. The land was resounding, growls and echoes were listened of trodden. There were many preys, but it seemed to be uncontrollable. Teddy continued posing, this one in a different state, he is looking now for something more. (9) When the stampede stops passing suddenly a beast jumped above a with big fangs over one of the natives. The boy was alone with his knives and was fighting for his life. Teddy was looking smilingly, immutably. The others surrounded the place of the clash, with his drums they were making sounds, while the boy was stabbing and the animal was extracting pieces of meat. His blood was shining. Teddy seems to be interested. Nobody was running to help the boy, we were observing and accompanying with his primitive rhythm. Finally the beast succumbed, and the native was left a young corpse. We decide to take the body to his home village, I believe that they want to bury him . Teddy accompanied the body with swollen eyes. (10) We took the body. Once in the village we were received by the Canibal King, a big, thick man, with a presence who could intimidante anyone; I must confess it, I was frightened, nevertheless Teddy never doubted and got closer bring him salutations and to ask him about what would be done with the body. The King took the corpse and rapidly threw it in to a boiling pot, that scene terrified me, but Teddy was immutable. The enormous cannibal took a great dipper and led it in to his mouth, the red and bubbly mass, the screams. I could see that wasnt only one body feeding this macabre soup, there were others. The King gave Teddy one full dipper and he received it, i could not believe it, Teddy ate everything and embraced with the enormous being among the shouts of the others natives and the sound of the soup boiling. I listened also more sounds that were coming from the enormous pot, I supposed that it only was my imagination. (11) Then I did not want to approach Teddy, only saw him on a distant view, sharing with the natives . They were drinking something, laughing very much, touching a strange music, and laughing more, " this is beautiful, it is a very beautiful music! ", they were shouting and striking things. They are demented, intoxicated. (12) Later, some of them were taking a nap, I could not, sounds could be listened in the plain, as crickets, and among them a voice that was breathing. I saw that Teddy was moving away solitarily from the camp, it did not know where he was going, but i worried I followed him. His breathing was much stronger. The sun was setting, enormous, red, and Teddy was running to it. He continued running, as if he was afraid of something; he had not realized my presence. The red sun became bigger, every time the sounds were more intense. We crossed all these bushes and i could then see only the arid land and this Sun like bleeding, Teddy detained there. (13) He was repeating: " im not well " i said: " would you stop? " Teddy answer: " I Am Afraid ". Little by little he was collapsing, and closing to unconsciousness he was repeating: " I feel much better now, I feel much better now ", I believe that he fell aslept, I did not want to wake him up. (14) I Could see that while he was unconscious many things were happening. Maybe he was dreaming, maybe it was a nightmare. Maybe he remembered the day and the preys. Tomorrow it will be another day and we are the guests of honor in the cannibal village.
Rdm 061: Jab Lemur - Invasion
Jab Lemur es un artista peruano experto en exprimirle toda su jugosa sustancia al ruido, mezclando tratamientos tangibles y conceptuales. En este disco en particular, remata en muchas ocasiones la tarea rayando el manto ruidista resultante con impulsos rÃtmicos fuertemente rasposos y lanzando guiños mordaces. En realidad, todo el álbum gira en torno a una historia de ciencia ficción sobre una invasión alienÃgena de la Tierra, sin sutilezas y de lo más intensa, a golpe de ataques sorpresa a una sociedad acomodada, que acaba irreparablemente absorbida por una fuerza extraterrestre desorbitante. La maquinaria de estrujar trabaja a pleno pulmón desparramando una electrónica poderosa, densa en electromagnetismo y que atrapa de sus firmes garras. Toda la trama se ve envuelta en grandes desarrollos sonoros y una elevada tensión, marcianos ambos, y que exhiben el lado más crudo del ruidismo. El disco al completo rebosa energÃa y, a pesar de lo terrorÃfico del relato, es totalmente revitalizador. En definitiva, nos ofrece un viaje apocalÃtico pero con mucho de absurdo e ironÃa, como muy bien escribe El perro de la Luna.
Microbio Records - Bio.. V.A. CAUSA PERUANA
Disco compilatorio de artistas elctronicos peruanos titulado CAUSA PERUANA que incluye a los ALOARDI Christian Galarreta, Cristo Demoledor, Gabriel Castillo, Jab Lemur, Rolando Apolo, Tica y Wilder Gonzales, mas otros independientes. En total 16 tracks en los que se incluye un video (Cristo Demoledor). Una nutrida lista que encontrara visitando la web de este netlabel venezolano (http://www.biodata.microbiorecords.net/blog/)
o descargando directamente aqui
Para mas Biodata en: http://www.myspace.com/biodatanetlabel
ALONET10: Jab Lemur - Hits Insignificantes
"...todo comenzo con absolutamente nada..." encerrado en mi cuarto, con una computadora recien instalada, con los programas basicos, me encontre yo, Jab Lemur Neron III el rey de lo sin importancia y de lo que nadie presta atencion, perdiendo poco a poco la paciencia con una guitarra con cuerditas rotas, fue entonces cuando lo vi INICIO-PROGRAMAS-ACCESORIOS-ENTRETENIMIENTO (y me la crei), ahi estaba el bien humilde icono del grabador de sonidos de Windows (made in wilson), accedi.> Investigue por un tiempo y descubir que para usar mi tan amado "programucho" necesitaba tener una entrada de audio, un micro, algo, no lo tenia. Segui investigando y pude lograr que la grabadora capturara el sonido que preproducia el Windows Media Player (..una aclaracion, Microsoft no me asupicia) y con esto lograba obtener pedacitos de 1 minuto de canciones que tenia por ahi, poco a poco los pedazos se hiceron sonidos que machacaba, agujereaba, invertia, aceleraba, colocaba cada vez mas lento hasta el punto que la musica se perdia y se convertia en ruido de una presencia ahora distinta, pronto los pedazos de un minuto fueron creciendo (gracias a una mecanica y simple accion de COPIAR/PEGAR COPIAR/PEGAR)"