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About Me

Urichipangoon from Japan.
This bands was formed by OORUTAICHI and YTAMO in 2003. The 1st
album"sen",completed by home recording, was released from scilli
disques(JAPAN). The band's style changed when it was joined by Muneomi
Senju(dr) and Nahoko Kamei(key) in 2004, and this shifted the bands sound
along with it,as we constructed music based on sessions in a studio.

We have obtained experience through a lot of live sessions and the studio
work of members who were previously acting individually was densely
consolidated, and as a result an original sound was invented in which not
only the genre but also the new age were incorporated.

Past release
Urichipangoon [SEN] 1st album

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Member Since: 12/9/2006
Band Website: okimirecords.com/
Band Members:-OORUTAICHI-(Vo&G,Prog etc)
The activity began in 1999. A lot of music was released by
domestic and foreign labels. The genre of the band was discussed across the country
due to the orinality of our songs and the bands good use of original language to cross
a border. His music was played by several programmes on BBC Radio1.
The 1st album "YORI YOYO" (MOROHEIYA/EXPOI) was release in 2003.
And later in the same year EP"OY" (out one disc) was released.
It was released by the label BEARFUNK(U.K). BEARFUNK'S manager Stevie kotey,
who is also the leading member of chicken Lips, remixed IDJUT BOYS in 2005.
This remix features on the EP.
(main co-starring artist)

-YTAMO-(Vo&Key etc)
The activity began in 2000. The 1st solo album "LIMITED LEAF" was released
from scilli disques in 2006 after a few independent production album
releases. YTAMO is also a supporting member of Makoto Karukaya, a reggae Singer who
belongs to LD&K Records.
(main co-starring artist)
DRY&HEAVY, Ryo the skywalker, Keeco, Kiseru etc

-Muneomi Senju-(Drums etc)
Muneomi Senju is a member of the band BOREDOMS who represents Japan.
He is involved in many projects, such as live performance and supporting other
artists,because of his excellent drumming ability.
(main co-starring artist)
Marshall Allen(sun ra), Damo Suzuki(ex CAN), and Juana Morina etc

-Nahoko Kamei-(Key etc)
The Clarinetist of MITAMURA-KANDADAN,whose founding member,Ari Morimoto,is an
Among other bands Nahoko plays the keybord in other session and studio work with the band.
(main co-starring artist)
Red Krayola, Buffallo Daughter etc
Sounds Like: ??????
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Abroad distribution

Hello there. We are releasing next album from AKCHI RECORDS in Japan in April next year. And also We are looking for a abroad distributor or label for our next new album. I would love to have abr...
Posted by Urichipangoon on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 02:35:00 PST