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MiMi Records

MiMi Records

About Me

MiMi Records (http://www.clubotaku.org/mimi)
MiMi is a project concerning the release of japanese and portuguese music (with a preference for electronic sounds such as glitch/i.d.m/ambiental/noise/misc. electronic). Its also a good way to achieve musical exchange from these two countries.
Narita (http://naritaruc.blogspot.com)
A weekly radio show dealing with Japanese music. It started in the early autumn of 2006 and it is broadcasted on RUC (Rádio Universidade de Coimbra, a portuguese local radio station dealing with underground music), every Saturday from 21.00 till 22.00 PM GMT and replay every Monday 02:00 till 03.00 AM GMT.
01. RATN (Riow Arai + Tujiko Noriko) - Mou ichido angel
02. Tujiko Noriko - In a chinese restaurant
03. Piana - Norway
04. Cokiyu - Mirror flake
05. Moomlooo - Mama matsuge cloud 3
06. Doroasako - Je reviandrai
07. World's End Girlfriend - Birthday resistence
08. Aoki Takamasa - Mirabeau
09. Nobokazu Takemura - Sign
10. Alva Noto & Sakamoto - Ax Mr L

My Interests

All types of japanese music

I'd like to meet:

All japanese musicians, bands or labels.Send us your promo-packs (vinyl/cds) to Narita radioshow. Please drop us a message.


www.clubotaku.org/mimi and naritaruc.blogspot.com









My Blog

[mi093] : Long Desert Cowboy - Handmade Music 1999-2003

[mi093] : Long Desert Cowboy - Handmade Music 1999-2003Once in a while, there is an album with such rawness that it becomes almost irresistible. This doesn't happen often, but it's certainly what ca...
Posted by MiMi Records on Fri, 02 May 2008 01:21:00 PST

[mi092] : Sparagmos - Visceral

[mi092] : Sparagmos - VisceralSparagmos, a listener's journey into dark ambient noise. Track 1 gives us relentless waves of distorted noise upon waves of distorted for 2'45'', when finally some percu...
Posted by MiMi Records on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:11:00 PST

[mi091] : step. - coldfront.1

[mi091] : step. - coldfront.1 Step's Coldfront.1 is a small EP about rhythimic pattern experimentation. Found sounds and field recordings are chopped up, sliced out and stitched again to form six di...
Posted by MiMi Records on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 03:33:00 PST

[mi090] : Ultra Fuckers - Radio Controlled Scum

[mi090] : Ultra Fuckers - Radio Controlled ScumUltra Fuckers are scum.But if there is a thing that Ultra Fuckers have taught me, it’s that not all scum is bad. It’s actually quite the oppo...
Posted by MiMi Records on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:46:00 PST

[mi089] : cancro - cancro EP

[mi089] : cancro - cancro EPCancro is isolation, transmutation, the painful invasion of cellular degradation. The uncertainty and the tension of the maquiavelic and mechanical droning of this EP slow...
Posted by MiMi Records on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:16:00 PST

[mi088] : TLSTTS - Lights EP

[mi088] : TLSTTS - Lights EP"Lights" is a record which exists within self-confrontation. Even though the dominating aesthetics seems to be Post-Rock, different and subtle layers coexist under that fr...
Posted by MiMi Records on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 03:56:00 PST

MiMi Records + Japanese Music @ Quebra - 05JAN2008

Posted by MiMi Records on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 05:03:00 PST

[mi087] : Overdose Kunst - Apetite for Deconstruction

[mi087] : Overdose Kunst - Apetite for DeconstructionOverdose Kunst's Apetite for Deconstruction is a record that travels across genres that are caracterized by their ahestetic freedom, without ever f...
Posted by MiMi Records on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 03:40:00 PST

[mi086] : Tatsu Maki - Terrorize the old man

[mi086] : Tatsu Maki - Terrorize the old manTatsuMaki and NrV have been involved in music production, and noise-making, for quite some years now. A pioneer of the Portuguese industrial scene, TatsuMa...
Posted by MiMi Records on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 05:41:00 PST

[mi085] : Kaede Mira - Divertimento 1

[mi085] : Kaede Mira - Divertimento 1There are rare days when the light which the sky feeds us creates doubts about the reality that the eye contemplates, days when time goes by without any trace of ...
Posted by MiMi Records on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 03:48:00 PST