SBR founded in the early 1999
Formed by Syncope as known as ( Tropical Painforest, softmicro, H5N1,
ILTPLAW, Realitätsverfremdung, Pattex, Agonized Land and Projects like
"System Breakdown", "The Sounds of Earth", "X4 Opiate", "Taos hum",
"Skychurch", "Penny Pincher" (R.I.P), "Natures Geometry",
"SHG - Selbsthilfegruppe", "Nadelkissen", "Urban Death Trap", "Dressed like",
"Tintifax", "Spectral Dominance"....
The first Artists on SBR ( 1998 ) :
Syncope, Inorganic Insurrection, F-Cide and System Breakdown.
Artists ( 2000 )
Violent Solution, Softmicro, Karfreitag, Tropical Painforest, Ohropax, H5N1,
Ameriac, ILTPLAW, Realitätsverfremdung, The Sounds of Earth, Taos hum,
Penny Pincher ( R.I.P. ), Natures Geometry, Nadelkissen, X4 Opiate, Pattex,
Skychurch, Urban Death Trap, Agonized Land, Seigott, Tintifax, Grim Kirby,
Barbarian Borderline, Sickbay Princess, Birabuto Kingdom. Dental Work
1. Review: Syncope - Doomed Fetus Mashine / EP "klick here"
2. Review: Softmicro vs. H5N1 - Noise em Dead / EP "klick here"
3. Review: TPF / Dental Works SPLIT EP "klick here"
4. Review: EndZeitDNA / Shortmovie "klick here"
NEW RELEASES:NEW TPF Release " Real Tropical Summerhits 2008 "
LTD to 20 Pieces 3" CD_R - 2 different Editions
LTD to 34 Pieces 2 different Editions
Therapy for the Insane 3way SPLIT
Tropical Painforest/Religious Nightmare/Rosemary Malign
LTD to 80 Pieces
Tropical Painforest / Dental Work SPLIT EP
LTD to 10 Pieces US and 10 Pieces AUT !!
Syncope - TWTP - Rerelease out now on
LTD to 100 Pieces
New softmicro Release - Vomit Child !!!
LTD to 12 Pieces
Syncope - Doomed Fetus Mashine / EP
"klick here"
Taos hum - Long Range Acoustic Device 2
"klick here"
Syncope - Antirhythmic Fakecleaner
"klick here"
Grim Kirby - Dreamland
"klick here"
System Breakdown - SB 0
"klick here"
Softmicro vs. H5N1 - Noise em dead EP
"klick here"
The Sounds of Earth - Black B's
"klick here"
Tod Durch Arbeit vs. Softmicro - Split
"klick here"
SB -4......................................SBR 0-4
SB -3......................................SBR 0-3
SB -2......................................SBR 0-2
SB -1......................................SBR 0-1
SB 0......................................SBR 000
SB 1......................................SBR 001
SB 2......................................SBR 002
SB 3......................................SBR 003
SB 4......................................SBR 004
SB 5......................................SBR 005
SB 6......................................SBR 006
SB 7......................................SBR 007
SB 8......................................SBR 008
SB 9......................................SBR 009
SB 10......................................SBR 010
SB 11......................................SBR 011
SB 12......................................SBR 012
SB 13......................................SBR 013
SB 14......................................SBR 014
SB 15......................................SBR 015
SB 16......................................SBR 016
SB 17......................................SBR 017
SB 18......................................SBR 018
SB 19......................................SBR 019
SB 20......................................SBR 020
SB 21......................................SBR 021
SB 22......................................SBR 022
SB 22.2....................................SBR 022.2
SB 23......................................SBR 023
SB Special 1.............................SBS 001
SB Special 2.............................SBS 002
SB Das Experiment 1.0..............SBS 003
SB 0910_------_2003..................SBS 004
5 CD Release:
SB 2*0.........................................SBS 005
SB 04.10.2004..............................SBS 006
SB 21.-27.07.2004........................SBS 007
SB 05072004................................SBS 008
SB NoiseGrind...............................SBS 009
SB Projekt 01..............................SBPR 001
SB Projekt 02..............................SBPR 002
SB Projekt 03..............................SBPR 003
SB Projekt 04..............................SBPR 004
SB Projekt 05..............................SBPR 005
SB Projekt 06..............................SBPR 006
SB Projekt 07..............................SBPR 007
SB Projekt 08..............................SBPR 008
SB Projekt 09..............................SBPR 009
SB Projekt 10..............................SBPR 010
SB Projekt Special 01...................SBPR 011
SB LIVE - CaveClub (Salzburg)..............SBRL 001
SB LIVE - on FM4 (Wien)........................SBRL 002
SB LIVE - at the Corner (Salzburg).........SBRL 003
SB LIVE - CaveClub (Salzburg)..............SBRL 004
SB LIVE - Mark.....................................SBRL 005
SB LIVE - Mark SBRF 1...BOX................SBR BOX 001
SBR LiveBox Psychoacoustic 3...............SBR BOX 002
Syncope - Decline your principle..................SBSY 001
Syncope - II...............................................SBSY 002
Syncope - vs. Underground..........................SBSY 003
Syncope - 004.............................................SBSY 004
Syncope - 005.............................................SBSY 005
Syncope - 006.............................................SBSY 006
Syncope - Chapter 9....................................SBSY 007
Syncope - Destroy the Government...............SBSY 008
Syncope - Die Human...................................SBSY 009
Syncope - Control the World.........................SBSY 010
Syncope - Fakes this is not the Reality...........SBSY 011
Syncope - Contaminated..............................SBSY 012
Syncope - Noise Injection.............................SBSY 013
Syncope - in the name of Annihilation............SBSY 014
Syncope - Snuff Tracks................................SBSY 015
Syncope - Brain Retirement..........................SBSY 016
Syncope - Commerz Punishment...................SBSY 017
Syncope - ...and full of Hate..........................SBSY 018
Syncope - Scorn...........................................SBSY 019
Syncope - Stigmatized..................................SBSY 020
Syncope - Antisocial.....................................SBSY 021
Syncope - into the Sun.................................SBSY 022
Syncope - Become second Nature.................SBSY 023
Syncope - DRONE / A.T.o.t.w.F.....................SBSY 024
Syncope - the Personal Computer Tracks 1.0....SBSY 025
Syncope - the World Trade Projekt................SBSY 026 / SAP 010
Syncope - Stuffed with Fungus......................SBSY 027
Syncope - B-C-D.........................................SBSY 028
Syncope - Antirhythmic Fakecleaner..............SBSY 029
Syncope - 6 times of nuclear meltdown..........SBSY 030
Syncope - Cybercity mc-303.........................SBSY 031
Syncope - Split with Aetherfront....................SBSY 032
Syncope - Doomed Fetus Mashine.................SBSY 033
Syncope - TRPTCHN APCLYPTC CRCLS..........SBSY 034
Inorganic Insurrection - die Harmonie der Blockflöte........SBII 001
Inorganic Insurrection - Searching II..............................SBII 002
Inorganic Insurrection - Breaknoise Fire.........................SBII 003
Inorganic Insurrection - Kommerztod.............................SBII 004
Inorganic Insurrection - Nervengas................................SBII 005
Inorganic Insurrection - Kaprun 2000.............................SBII 006
Inorganic Insurrection - das Pendel des Todes................SBII 007
Inorganic Insurrection - Mashinekick..............................SBII 008
Inorganic Insurrection - Execution..................................SBII 009
Inorganic Insurrection - der Sägerich..............................SBII 010
Inorganic Insurrection - Baphomechanism.......................SBII 011
soFT miCRO - 1_Delirium Po........................................SBSM 001
soFT miCRO - 2_Anal Apocalypse.................................SBSM 002
soFT miCRO - 3_Milk is the .........................................SBSM 003
soFT miCRO - die Fleischnudelspeckwurst.....................SBSM 004
soFT miCRO / Tod durch Arbeit - SPLIT -......................TNC 012
soFT miCRO - 4_Laptop Abuse of mankind....................SBSM 005
soFT miCRO - Live 31.12.2005.....................................SBSM 006
soFT miCRO - a perfect collection of psychic dellusion....SBSM 007
soFT miCRO - Vomit Child EP.......................................SBSM 008
Karfreitag - Iron Fist....................................SBKF 001
Karfreitag - Entering the Halls of Fear............SBKF 002
Karfreitag - Track 3......................................SBKF 003
I Love to Pee like a Waterfall - s/t......................SBLTP 001
ILTPLAW / Seigott Split......................................SBSPL 002
Ohropax - ChemicalCore....................................SBOP 001
Ohropax - Hundsbräu.........................................SBOP 002
Ohropax - Patrrrioot...........................................SBOP 003
H5N1 - the Curse of the Mehas.............................SBH5 001
H5N1 - second comming......................................SBH5 002
Realitätsverfremdung - Level 1...............................SBRVF 001
Realitätsverfremdung - Sub Level 2........................SBRVF 002
Sky Church - I_Discurse.......................................SBSC 001
Sky Church - II_Donnervoge.................................SBSC 002
Sky Church - III_Schmerzplanet............................SBSC 003
Sky Church - IV....................................................SBSC 004
Pattex - Inhale the glory Sickness/Amphoric Breathing.....SBPT 001
Pattex - Complete_Pulmonic_Downfall............................SBPT 002
Pattex - 3rd Commandment...........................................SBPT 003
Ameriac - Promo...........................................SBAM 001
Nadelkissen - Supernova Roomservice.................SBFT 001
X4 Opiate......................................................
....SBFT 002
Selbsthilfegruppe SHG - I....................................SBSHG 001
Selbsthilfegruppe SHG - II / Doppel CD.................SBSHG 002
Selbsthilfegruppe SHG - III..................................SBSHG 003
Selbsthilfegruppe SHG - IV...................................SBSHG 004
Tropical Painforest - International TOP HITS.......................SBTPF 001
Tropical Painforest - Bash the 90s......................................SBTPF 002
Tropical Painforest - Tropical.............................................SBTPF 003
Tropical Painforest - Embryonic fruits.................................SBTPF 004
Tropical Painforest - Lemon...............................................SBTPF 005
Tropical Painforest - X-Mass Hits 2007................................SBTPF 006
Tropical Painforest - Split with Birabuto Kingdom.................SBTPF 007
Tropical Painforest - Dental Work Split EP / "Rainbow".........SBTPF 008
Tropical Painforest - 3 way Split- RxNx, Rosemary Malign....SBTPF 009
Urban Death trap - I......................................SBUDT 001
the Sounds of Earth - 1...................................SBCA 001
the Sounds of Earth - 2...................................SBCA 002
the Sounds of Earth - 3...................................SBCA 003
the Sounds of Earth - 4...................................SBCA 004
the Sounds of Earth - 5...................................SBCA 005
the Sounds of Earth - 6...................................SBCA 006
the Sounds of Earth - 7...................................SBCA 007
the Sounds of Earth - 8...................................SBCA 008
the Sounds of Earth - 9...................................SBCA 009
the Sounds of Earth - 10..................................SBCA 010
The Sounds Of Earth - Split - ch vs. pattex...............SBCA 011
The Sounds Of Earth - Split - Flutwacht...................SBCA 012
the Lazy Sunday EP........................................SBLS 001
Systolic Pressure Increase - the Syncope / Inorganic Insurrection
SPLIT......SBSPL 001
The Sounds Of Earth - Split - ch vs. pattex................SBSPL 002
penny pincher / Decayin Corpse SPLIT....................SBSPL 003
Taos hum / matamore SPLIT...................................SBSPL 004
ILTPLAW / Seigott Split...........................................SBSPL 005
The Sounds Of Earth - Split - Flutwacht....................SBSPL 006
VA - Happy Happy Noise Noise..........NOISE................SBR comp.01
VA - tribute to britney...softmicro, ch, seigott, pattex....SBRVA 002
VA - 58 seconds apeshit...............NOISE.....................SBR comp.02
VA - tribute to Seigott...............NOISE........................SBRVA 003
VA - tribute to TNC...................NOISE........................SBRVA 004
penny pincher - princess of enema picnic party............SBPP 001
penny pincher - anus cream loverboy..........................SBPP 002
penny pincher - Live diarrea.......................................SBPP 003
penny pincher - mask your face EP.............................SBPP 004
penny pincher / Decayin Corpse SPLIT.......................SBPP 005
penny pincher - Live Mark penny pincher night.............SBPP 006
Taos hum - LRAD 1.........................................SBTH 001
Taos hum - LRAD 2.........................................SBTH 002
Taos hum - LRAD 3.........................................SBTH 003
Taos hum / matamore SPLIT............................SBTH 004
Taos hum - LRAD 4.........................................SBTH 005
Dressed like water on L.S.D..................................SBDL 001
Dressed like a hurricane in america.......................SBDL 002
SpectralDominance - ANALmorph.............................SBSD 001
EndZeitDNA - first short film from softmicro aka Syncope aka TPF
System Breakdown Live at the Hons Leaving Party 2006
System Breakdown Live at the Hons Leaving Party 2006 part 2