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Hi, Im Steve a.k.a. Arisen Demerit from Austria! Im one of the heads of the INP - Inveterate Noise Pollution Crew. Our main goal is to share good and loud played Psy-Trance everywhere we can play it, with ppls who love the music, to trance out and have a good time just like we do! ;p
Im into Psytrance now for over 6 Years, and visited a lot of interesting places and partys all over the world. Some years ago, i was introduced into all the local labels/systems in Salzburg like 24-7, Syntax Sense, Bizart and all the other amazing crews around here... this finaly brought me to learn djing myself, and since then i never stopped bringing my skills to the next level.
Since Fall 2008 The INP-Crew brought theyrself into the next level, by starting to produce our own music! We will upload and share our tracks as soon as they are ready. ;) Stay Tuned!!
I originally come straight out of the punk and hard-core scene, wich i still love and feel very connected to. but i always had to admit that there is just too much good and loveable music out there and i never wanted to be in just one thing. What describes me best, would be the fact that you just cant set me in a scene... my personality has too much facets to be described in here and i wouldnt accept it anyway ;) What i can tell u is, that im a person who thinks and lives through the heart and im always expressing this straight, without disguising any emotions or thoughts! As a dj im tryin to get a good balance between dark, pumping full-on and psychedelic that makes u really wanna move to!
Something that is also very important in my life is fire! when i was 15 i got my first pair of POI... after years of training i now have 5 different sorts of POI including fire POI. wherever the space is big enough and ppls around me are "somehow" save i have to play with them! On outdoor partys i also love to spit fire and compare this in an amazing show of POI & spitting...
INP and all the members are in cooperation with 24-7 Media and if u are interested in bookings of great artists and also LIVE-Acts for any day & night-time PLS feel free to get in ctc with me or INP directly. U can also click on the frienslist below in order to look at theyr page directly and listen to theyr amazing releases!
----------Arisen Demerit has played at following partys:
13.12.08 -- A.D.'s B-Day Bash @ Freysitz, Hallein
24.01.09 -- PsyNight @ Caffee Denkmal, Salzburg
07.02.09 -- PsyNight @ Fallschirm Bar, Hallein
06.03.09 -- Tacid Waves @ Fallschirm Bar, Hallein
06.04.09 -- Psy-Bash @ Fallschirm Bar, Hallein
10.04.09 -- OPEN DECKS Session @ Afro Bar, Salzburg
17.04.09 -- OPEN DECKS Session @ Afro Bar, Salzburg
29.04.09 -- Psy Dabei @ Cave Club, Salzburg
01.05.09 -- OPEN DECKS Session @ Afro Bar, Salzburg
Upcoming Partys:
22.05.09 -- OPEN DECKS Session @ Afro Bar, Salzburg
--- to be continued ---animation versus. animator -- must see ;)