Disc golf, movies...many, many movies, acting, live music, good food, good wine and good friends.
Creative and fun folks that are into movies, music and disc golf!
50's country and blues, 60's psychadelic and R&B, 70's album rock and disco, 80's pop, rap, glam, and new wave, 90's alternative, techno and house, 00's hip-hop-rock-funk fusion (Get 'em Pharrell!).
Hot Fuzz, Knocked Up, A Tale of Two Sisters, Dead Birds, Shaun of the Dead, Fight Club, The Usual Suspects, Seven, The Godfather I & II, Coldblooded, 24 Hour Party People, Cherish, anything Bruce Campbell is in, anything John Cusack is in, Wes Anderson films, Kevin Smith films, Star Wars (the original trilogy), Sam Raimi films, Peter Jackson films.......I could go on...........but I won't......
Totally into DVRing House, Boston Legal and Smallville right now.
I Ching, Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Goddess, The Prophet
My Mom, my Dad, Buddha, Tina Turner, Ms Bonnie, Miss Marian and Miss Camille. I LOVE you guys!!