******ABOUT ME******
Heya waz really good people. Let me tell ya a lil about myself! They call me Abbie. I'm from New Orleans,<504>, but I stay in Slidell, With my people. Yeah I do have a significant other.
Da Wifey=♥ Megan
Da Boo=♥ Donnell
My Love=♥ Areil
My Bestie=♥ Bridgit
I Love them with all my ♥! I ♥ Music! I ♥ dancing! I'ma generally nice person, unless You disrespect me. Or aggravate me repeatedly! So yeah, Don't do that. Im Worth $2,911,840. [on humanforsale.com] That's it for now.
I Get pages of Comments/messages a day!!
Don't think Im ignoring you if I don't reply right away,
Be Patient!
Wanna IM me??
My AIM is:: XxBabyGurl0254xX
My Yahoo Is:: NewOrleansCutie0254 holla @ me!!!!!
I'm done with MySpace drama. MySpace drama is so fucking retarded. If you think you can get something into someone's mind over a website, you're stupid. Sending hatemail or trashing someone on MySpace only shows how immature and desperate you are for attention. Stop trying to prove your point about someone. Stop saying I'm a bitch, stop saying he/she is a bitch. We really don't give a shit, your opinion doesn't matter. Think twice about trashing me, I won't reply, It won't affect me, I'll just block you and delete your comments/msgs. I'm done with people saying I'm a bitch. I'm not a bitch, you're just too full of yourselves to actually take the time to realize I am really nice, I hate drama, and dumb fucks. It's MySpace not 2nd grade, get over it.