Lost and Profound will latch onto your soul and not let go with their musical tales of intentions gone awry, intriguing love affairs, being trapped and shivering from the cold...Macleans.Lost & Profound have recently re-formed after an 5 year hiatus marked by personal ferment for all parties. After scoring 4 Top 20 Canadian hits in the mid 90's they disappeared after a critically acclaimed independant record "Love's Sweet Messenger". With the release of an unattributed album "red suede red", that again won critical acclaim, they self destructed.However songs from this album began showing up in films, leading to much exposure. Lost and Profound recently began playing live again as a duo (Lisa Boudreau and Terry Tompkins) and are recording a new album. Catch them if you can before they vanish again.
My Interests
Member Since: 6/13/2006
Band Members: Terry Tompkins
Lisa Boudreau
Influences: Townes Van Zandt
Syd Barrett
Leonard Cohen
John Cale
Ray Davies
Dolly Parton
Loretta Lynn
Record Label: Lost Weekend
Type of Label: Indie