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Coming soon 3patttes009 : ATRABILIS SUNRISE
Initially founded to produce our own creations, (Planetaldol, FinalCut, Finaldoll), 3patttes has quickly evolved towards other artists, we have produced the "Anatomy of a Maniac" compilation, with well known artists and some other never produced yet.
We also produced a 3" of HIV+, for some experimental powerful tracks.
3patttes001 : limited to 59 copies (october 2003)
FINALDOLL "prolifere" CDr 3’’
Phosphor magazine (april 2004)
«Finaldoll is a joint venture of Planetaldol and Finalcut who deliver pieces with sharp, short sounds juxtaposed with drones. The two go very well together since they create an interesting narrative hybrid in the process of augmenting one another. Think Thomas Köner jamming with Main. Although most tracks are in general pretty dark and misty, there’s a more
serene-sounding exception. Deep and lengthy layers confront shorter events. This general movement persists throughout the individual tracks, but not too worry, there’s enough happening to prevent one from getting bored. It seems that plenty of attention was paid to details. Some sounds reminded me of the guitar, which may very well have been used for these tracks.
Say 3patttes team, could we hear some more please?»
Staticsignals (february 2005)
«Finaldoll shapes slow-moving ambient structures with singular purpose in the quiet and patient release Prolifere. Like huge landscape paintings of abstract grey rivers wrapped in sheets of cloudy gauze the dark ambient sounds of this work numb and soothe, but with each short piece conveying a definitive gesture that gives shape, form, function.
A collaborative project between Finalcut and Planetaldol, the two have come together to perfectly complement each other. Each of the pieces of Prolifere is able to shift time, focus on a single moment and extend and savor it, as the floating atmospheric electronics and slowed natural sounds slowly build into a structure, revealing nuanced secrets, and then fade, or desconstruct, or spawn a new derivative of their original form.
"isolement" features a deep, reverberant, shifting harmony that is dabbed gently with panning static brush strokes. Spacey filtered synth washes crescendo up from the texture and give birth to scraping, scratching entities that are absorbed back into the soundscape as quickly as they appeared.
"frippe" centers itself around a glitchy hi-hat-like rhythm, with slowed backwards sounds and gritty fuzz crawling in and out of the stereo field. The hi-hat propels the piece forward, carrying the other slower moving elements as if they were transcendental passengers on an imaginary train.
"mInuteMAid" presents a beautiful, chordal harmony which is alive with pulsing movement, with ambient scraping sounds gently caressing this texture. While quite minimal in overall design, the effect is hypnotic, involving, with a natural, human feel.
"signal bruit" gives us droning, floating synthetics whose ringing tones build into distant, fluttering echoes of hum, glitchy staticks, and pulsing resonance. Again, the gesture is simple and drawn out, but involving and effective.
By keeping each of the pieces just the right length (4-5 minutes), the potency of each is maximized, and instead of wondering when each will be over, they leave you wanting to hear each again.»
3patttes002 : limited to 63 copies (november 2003)
PLANETALDOL "Grand Bois" CDr 3’’
Heimdallr (january 2004)
"Second release of the newborn French label 3patttes, ’Grand Bois’ is the work of Anthony Colas, the person behind Planetaldol and the founder of the label. This new production follows two promising demos ’Hierba loca’ and ’Astrol’s kitchen’ as well as ’Prolifere’ (the collaboration between Planetaldol and Final Cut), the first release of 3patttes. Productions that were all reviewed on our pages in the past... Six tracks compose this new 20 minute-long CD-R. The music is a mix of dark ambient, organic, cold and depressive elements that create a very introspective atmosphere... especially ’La pierre pleureuse’ and ’La chapelle morte’ feature amongst the most oppressive and intriguing Planetaldol pieces so far...
This record, released last November, comes on a 3" format featuring a cover realised by Yi Kyong Hwa, and is limited to 63 copies. Amateurs of dark ambient should find interest in the listening of this new release and should follow closely the work of this talented experimental-ambient French act."
Nathalie F.
GIAG (january 2005)
«These six compositions give us a wide repertoire growing into more complex soundscapes, a bit wider, a bit more experimental and extremely chilling - a lullaby for the new millennium. Dark and deep carpet of sounds.»
Merje Lõhmus
3patttes003 : limited to 67 copies (january 2004)
Final Cut :::Denorme::: CDr 3’’
Emptyletter (April 2004)
"First track sounds like a Buddhist version of Muslim Gauze. Second sounds like a rehearsal with the communication device between artist and sound engineer left open and recorded. Classical soundtrack music with clicks. Noise ambient with bees. Experimental D&B with tiny bits of real dub inside. And lasts for 20 minutes: the 3 format is an excellent choice. Please give a warm welcome to 3 Patttes: judging from its first releases its gonna be a great label."
3patttes004 : (May 2004)
"Anatomy of a maniac" V/A 2*CDr
Giscard Le Survivant Atrabilis Sunrise BeNe GeSSeRiT Liquid Sphere Pi Cab Alter Planetaldol Zerogoki Finaldoll Finalcut Straiph -cutman- Astron TZII RipiT Moon Spin0 Cortex Bleetch Iloj Tone Tromb0ne Vidio.Atak Human Flesh Circonferen6.x We Are Gentlemen ETAT DES STOCKS (delltree) featuring Kalex
Red Neon (may 2004)
"Ladies (dying) and Gentlemen (laughing), here is the first compilation on the 3patttes-label. The subject of this is a film about ... guess what ? What we have here is a very well assembled mixture of ambient tracks, gloomy moods, unexpected sounds and sometimes industrial music. The result is always interesting. Only one or two tracks are too long (when you have enough use your remote control). You have also a short video on the second disc. I feel a great sum of work to put this together. Nice cover too, even disturbing... There is a group called CORTEX wich is not the INSANE one. Other names you can find here are : FINALCUT, PLANETALDOL, HUMAN FLESH, BENE GESSERIT, GISCARD LE SURVIVANT,... Other names you will discover when you buy this album. Hurry up !!!"
Patrick Parent
3patttes005: limited to 101 copies (june 2004)
HIV+ interferencias CDr 3’’ (june 2004)
"don’t get any on me
After looking nervously at their test results France based label 3patttes finds they have a new release from HIV+. This latest disc is entitled "interferencias" and offers up 3 tracks (they should have worn long sleeves) of original material plus a remix compliments of Planetaldol. Adding to the cheery fun times, the disc is packaged in a Petri dish with the origin of said dish in question (let’s hope they are not out of the local clinic’s refuse). They are selling these suckers off for 7 postage paid world wide and for more details hassle" ------------------------------------------------------------
3patttes006 : limited to 107 copies (december 2004)
THE CHOPSTICK SISTERS : "L’une bouge, l’autre pas..." CDr 3’’
Who is who ???
In addition of her solo career, she collaborated or played with Steve Moshier ,David Moss, Ethan James, Sylvia Hallett, Voices Of Kwahn, Steve Beresford, Peter Kowald, Richard Sanderson, Geert Wageman, Pavel Fajt, Sugarconnection, Tom Cora, Temps Perdu.she also made exhibitions/performances with her PHARMACIA POETICA projectaltogether,she performed in 14 different countries and invented her own language.
Sings with Bene Gesserit, Ornament and Crime Arkhestra, paints and writes crazy lyrics.
Used to run the INSANE label, played in Kosmose, Sic, Cortex, Subject, Japanese Genius, Human Dance, I Scream, Pseudo Code and still concentrate on Bene Gesserit, Human Flesh, Messy Goes Insanewrites lyrics too
Vital weekly n°460 week 5 (february 2005)
"The names Alain Neffe, Nadina Bal and Anna Homler are music in my ears, but are they in yours? The first one is probably best known, at least to some, as the man behind Insane Music (one of the more legendary cassette labels of the 80s, and now getting them out on CDR, which is great, but another story) but also the man of Human Flesh, Pseudo Code or with Nadina Bal the duo Bene Gesserit. Anna Homler in the late eighties was quite known for he vocal improvistaions with David Moss, Voices Of Kwahn or Tom Cora. The three met by accident (or that should be Alain and Nadine met Anna) at a festival of women’s music and they hit it off. They meet up once a year (Anna is in the USA and the others in Belgium) to record and play live. The ten short tracks on this 3"CDR are all based around the voices of Anna and Nadine (although apperentely they also use toys) which produce sound, rather then words. Alain is the man to record them and layers them in studio, until a slightly chaotic but captivating play of mouth. Only on the final two tracks, electronics seems to play a role. Fake chinese singing, giggles, chants, it’s all there in an intimate atmosphere. With a length of twenty minutes this has the right duration for such a thing. Cosy indeed."
Ventrilocution (december 2005)
"Dedicated to Yoko Ono, its no surprise to hear Anna Homler and Nadine Bal improvising in oriental sung lines in the twenty minutes that comprise this 3 CDr. Ten short tracks exclusively presenting processed dual vocal delivery that creates a peculiar but comfortable sonic environment. Ranging from compulsive verbiage to heavenly quasi-drone vocal sounds, this is an effort that certainly has its moments of originality and presents some care in the way all the voices were layered and arranged in studio, therefore theres undeniably a sense of structure herein. While too much of a specific work to be appealing to a vast majority of people, this is an unusual object attaining very good moments. Just check out the whispered final seconds of canh chua cay"
LuÃs Oliveira
3patttes007: limited to 103 copies (april 2005)
Giscard le Survivant « Limites de la démocratie ? » CDr 3’’
Phosphor (august 2005)
"...Giscard le Survivant, offering five playfull tracks in the vein of the latest Dat Politics album. Dominant, straightforward keyboards have been put into rhythmic approaches or robust atmospheres."
GIAG (november 2005)
"In the whole this work proves to be an outstanding experimental album full of floating instrumental music, all creating very much improvised tracks that vary from ambient to psychedelic electro... All in all very exciting 5-track that really demands careful listening."
Merje Lõhmus
3patttes008 : limited to 299 copies (may 2006)
HIV+ : "ufo pulsations" CD & DVD
Let there be space
The sky is no longer a limit, 3patttes and VidioAtak are pleased to produce a new release of HIV+, UFO Pulsations, consisting of a CD and a DVD.
Three original tracks of our sound explorer and the remixes of other volunteers to this strange journey.
Audio and Video for you, get ready and have a nice experience.
Dans la peau d’HIV+
ça ressemble à une très grande galerie, avec des corps en contemplation, les trois morceaux originaux, auxquels viennent s’ajouter les ondes sonores d’autres protagonistes.
Des chats maigres, abattus sous le soleil, des nuits à guetter un peu de chaleur.
Et si, finalement, nous n’étions plus sur terre?
Du périple initial, chaque titre remixé apparaît comme un nouveau voyage, fait de méditation et d’essence, de machines lancinantes car on ne revisite pas HIV+ si l’on n’aime pas travailler au plus près du corps.
Et si d’aucuns préfèreront le tiraillement de la lance, les autres apprécieront et continueront ce parcours fait de sensations intenses.
Ainsi qu’à ce premier voyage sans cesse renouvelé, vous aurez aussi l’image, des récits où vous engouffrer, comme de nouvelles pierres à l’immense édifice.
une trappe s’ouvre,
corps dansant et tissus claquant au vent solaire.
Qui osera encore prétendre que dans le vide il n’y a pas de bruit?
c’est pour vous,
c’est HIV+ et ses multiples.
Bonne écoute,
JM Charcot, 3patttes et VidioAtak.
15 euros postpaid
limited edition / 299
Audio : HIV +
& remixes by :
Liquid sphere - (dell.tree) - Human flesh - Planetaldol - TZii - Giscard Le Survivant - Atrabilis Sunrise - Finalcut - Iloj Tone - Sizzle
Video :
TZii - Toff - Rko - Cybunk - Stere pathe +K-Ro
visual : Nuvish