Cruise [CTRL] profile picture

Cruise [CTRL]

About Me

"It's always a challenge to talk about its own music: how to say enough without saying too much?
Let's then feature some facts... Cruise [Ctrl] is a minimal-electronica duo based in Belgium and our compositions are sustained by strong rules: all tracks at 120bpm, only analogical material, no samples, no voices, no faces... no rules...
It's a kind of 'Dogma 95' (Lars von Trier) translated into music... Let's say a word about that...
Our influences can be found in the musical sphere, of course, but also in some cinematographic references. The most significant one is certainly David Lynch's work... It's not really a question of 'tribute' but mainly a question of 'method'... In a certain way, we try to catch his approach of the 'creation act' to produce our music. In that sense, we aim to create a specific [musical] experience. We also give a great importance to details but also to chance and coincidences...
Images come by themselves... The music talks to both body and mind... It's both physical and emotional... In other words, our work (music, titles, artwork...) aims to be 'projective': there are 'holes' in our music and every listener has to put a part of himself, a piece of his own imagination and creativity to experience the music... He has to link our music to his mood, his emotional state when listening. They are no explanations to give about this. The feeling first. No needs to add words. "
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Member Since: 10/16/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: John C. and DJ Gore
Influences: Our influences can be find in the musical sphere (Pan Sonic, Roger Rotor, P.A.L., Suicide...), of course, but also in some cinematographic references. The most significant one is certainly David Lynch's work...
Sounds Like: I HEARD IT!
(Divine Comedy Records)



(Divine Comedy Records)

(Minimal/Maximal - Bodybeat)

Record Label: Divine Comedy Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


EM3, "French tribute to Mute records" is out (M-Tronic Records). It contains an inedite cover of Liaisons Dangreueses's Los Ninos Del Parque by Cruise [ctrl] & HIV+.01.LYYNK_waiting for the night (dep...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 03:57:00 GMT

I heard it - reviewed by Heathen Harvest

Hi-tech megalopolis, noisy, restless electricity running along the high-voltage wires, slumbering machines ready to wake up each minute. Looks like there's no more place for people around as they got ...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 05:59:00 GMT

again a new review

Originellement nommé Cruise Control et devenu Cruise [Ctrl] sur le tard, ce projet belge associant brillances electronica et beat EBM assis (mais sans adoption de l'extrême), accouche de son premier f...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 08:25:00 GMT

Review in rif raf magazine (Be)

Ce groupe belge propose de l'electro minimaliste, répétitive et hypnotique se rapprochant souvent de l'electro body music et de l'electro indus. Sombre, emprunte d'ambiances lourdes et volontiers glau...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:42:00 GMT

D-Side review of Garmonbozia! & Chatterboxes

Cruise [Ctrl] - Garmonbozia (ep)Chatterboxes - Chatterboxes (ep) Voici les démos prometteuses de deux projets belges menés par John Cult et DJ Gore. Dans le cas de Cruise [Ctrl], le duo présente une e...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 05:50:00 GMT

A review of Garmonbozia! in Connexion Bizarre

[Connexion Bizarre] The name is Cruise [CTRL], the band is Belgian, and the genre is self professedly minimalist electronica, though with an experimental twist. Cruise [CTRL] is a two piece project co...
Posted by on Mon, 21 May 2007 06:14:00 GMT

Side-Line review of Garmonbozia!

[Side-Line] The debut of this Belgian duo seems to be a kind of concept where some rules like not going over 120 bpm and yet no use of vocals are to be respected. Musically speaking they sound like an...
Posted by on Wed, 09 May 2007 01:26:00 GMT

A new review from Elegy magazine (FR)

[Elegy] "Garmonbozia! (douleur + souffrance ndlr). This is a formica table. Green is its coulor. It was a dream. We live inside a dream. Les dialogues des films de Lynch et pl...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 05:00:00 GMT

An old, but interesting, review of No Hay Banda ! [Axess Code]

[Axess code] On en reçoit des tonnes de démos sur AXESSCODE, souvent de différentes saveurs et souvent de différentes consistances. Mais parfois on reçoit le truc qu'on n'attendait pas, qui se pose là...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 07:50:00 GMT

Remix Cruise [Ctrl] for Abyssa Netlabel

A remix compilation of the Belgian duo Cruise [Ctrl] is in preparation with Abyssa Netlabel... Wanna to be part of it ? Wanna enter the Red Room ? All details at :
Posted by on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 13:34:00 GMT