Member Since: 3/16/2007
Band Members: -- produced & live artists :
- Seal Phüric
~ [ Virtus-Seekness-Antidote ]
- Marco Passarani
(Syncop'td Elevators Legacy)
~ [..Acid Kirk-Psychonauts-..]
-Forsaken Odes Conglom.
~ [ FOC aka Zeal & Trionix reshapin'
__Rawakari__J-N Sellekaers
__C-Drik__Dessy__N. Musch
__Ucture__C. Dambrain__... ]
- Subskan
- Uské Orchestra
- Ucture
- Norbert Weedloaf
- Gwelmime
- Claire Goldfarb
- Naan
- ...
bookable DJs :
° Seal Phüric
° Acid Kirk
° Ucture
° S-Virus
° Neptunian 8
Influences: envy pressures & takeoffs vacancy & latency utopia & self-delusion wiseness & weakness intentions & consequences resistance & acceptance birth of global openness & dissolution of good-will relevant alien seeks & bad self-encounters discoveries & looses of total-self boundaries kwnowledge transmissions & failures concerns & disinterests foggy & freezed limits of consciousness expansion ... peaks & bottoms of label's wallet ...
Sounds Like: your speakers restore it
original snd for MOVIES : screen-shots, teasers & gfx:
taken from
ErgoN /
Anthropeau /
Berni's Doll (3 original scores by Seal Phüric & Trionix + guests)
ErgoN trailer -- 18 min. movie on Foton recs DVD 'Altitude 1000'
18 min. movie on Foton recs DVD Altitude 1000"Add to My Profile
sound scored MOVIES <[strong>Berni's Doll] teaser
{ambivalence} unsilent ACTS & seeking ENTITIES :
<[strong>Ambivalence scrum]-party aka Fotones 14.0 @ Beurschouwburg
2 feb. 05' - Brussels (flyer excerpts)
Ambi (+guests)
live-acts : Acid Kirk / Subskan / Norbert Weedloaf
Ucture + Squeaky Lobster / Uské Orchestra + Sun ok Papi ko (Sonig)
DJs : Seal Phüric / Acid Kirk / Ucture
VJs : Ego / Prokium
concerts & parties FLYERS
book us for live-acts / DJing / VJing / multi-media events / film post-prod
produced artists & close disheveled folks
spacialised concerts on multi-speakers XP sound systems
(360° acousmoniumz on 40 HPs)
the F.O.C. e-card -- [lens002] release announcement
[lens002] release announcement"Add to My Profile
...things & thoughts we feel close to :
the [uncanniness] master
bon sens honéreux ci-bas
tangible karouzel & virtual utopic networkz :
g l i m p s e s
our luvely MySpace (d)ear friendz around da global bubble game