Zooh Corner profile picture

Zooh Corner

Help Save Bunny Lives!

About Me

Animal Breed Zip Code
Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue was founded in 1993 by Alexandra Logsdon. We are a local, non profit, no-kill rabbit welfare organization based in San Gabriel, California. Our mission is threefold: to rescue, treat, spay/neuter and place as house pets, rabbits that have been abused, neglected, injured or dumped; to educate the public on rabbit health care and needs; to stop the irresponsible breeding and selling of rabbits. We are sustained by your donations and by the helpful hands, pocket books and wallets of our growing number of volunteers.Because we are a no-kill organization, we and our Foster Friends and volunteers are able to spend as much time as is needed with each rabbit, getting to know its special personality and taking care of each bunny's individual needs. Once the bunny is spayed or neutered and its veterinary needs are taken care of, it is socialized and house and litter box trained. By this point we and our volunteers are well acquainted with each bunny, thus enabling appropriate bunny-human matches to be made.We work with many different kinds of rabbits from all walks of life and in doing so learn more about rabbits and their needs all the time. We work with several different vets and we do our best to keep updated on all aspects of rabbit care and needs. Zooh Corner provides free educational material to veterinary offices, pet stores and the general public through information pamphlets, monthly adoption events, our web site, and through our newsletter - Zooh News.
Each year, an average of 50 to 100 abandoned, abused and neglected bunnies arrive at the shelter. Zooh Corner Volunteers provide daily care, access to medical care and placement in carefully screened, indoor homes. Covered by only a plastic sheet roof, the rabbit area leaves rabbits at the mercy of the summer’s intense heat, & winter rain. It is very hard to keep clean and secure. The rabbits live in a collection of donated hutches, most of which are too small or in poor condition due to age and exposure. The “Build for the Bunnies” project calls for a new floor, a new roof, new custom made bunny condos, a larger storage area, and removable curtains to keep out the wind and rain and to support climate control for the summer heat. A money raising effort is in full swing. Donations of cash, time, labor and materials are needed and will be much appreciated! Contact us for more info at [email protected]

My Interests

Check out our Petfinder.com site to see our adoptable bunnies!
Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue
Read more about us on our website:
Zooh's My Bunny Page

I'd like to meet:

Rabbit Lovers, Foster homes, New Families for our bunnies!

Vet bills abound! We could use some help! Click below if you can spare some change!

The Humane Society is up to a record 37 bunnies!!! They need to get out ASAP!
Can anyone take just one or two? We really need to open up some cages!

We are working on getting the shelter renovated, but right now these bunnies are stuck out in the heat, with very little protection. We need more volunteers to help care for them, and we REALLY need homes for them!!

Would you consider donating to us if you can't take a bunny in? Every penny helps get us closer to our goal of a new, climate controlled space for these guys!!

You can see thier photos, and all the other precious buns at Zooh's Petfinder Site

Zooh Corner will pay for all of their expenses if you are willing to foster them. And of course we would love it if you wanted to adopt some, and give them the forever home that they deserve!

Please contact us, at [email protected] if you can help in any way. Also, PLEASE CROSSPOST to everyone who's ever thought of getting a bunny!!

(We can sure use some volunteers at the shelter too, if anyone has some time during the week. The more work we do, the less opportunities the shelter workers have to see how many bunnies we really have out there!)


Claude and Edward are two adorable brothers. They are loving and sweet and just as cute as can be. One of them is a total lop eared bunny, and the other, well he keeps his ears up... most of the time!

Bruce is a wonderful little man. He's got the most wonderful fur, with brown spots and some black mixed in to. He's friendly and loves to have his ears rubbed. But he's also happy to play and dance for you!


Marvin is a beautiful Flordia White bunny. He's a total sweetie and just loves to sniff every inch of you to see if you have a treat hidden somewhere! He's a dancer, and will happily show off his moves for you!

We had a bunny dumped at the shelter and 3 days later, she gave birth!! These babies are now weaned, and looking for homes of their own! This is one of the baby boys, check out those fantastic ears!!


Here's two of the baby girls. There are 3 girls total and they are best friends, so we want to keep them together as much as possible. They are very good with their litter boxes and are hoping to find a home that will love their beautiful faces and baby antics!

Meet Minnie Moocher. She came in this week, and looks just like a little boy that came in last week. We named him Mini Moo, so she's Minnie Moocher. She's very friendly and outgoing and just LOVES to have her ears rubbed!

Dexter is a stunning, gentle quiet little male. He's young, but very calm and really really loves to have his cheeks rubbed. He's happy to curl up in your lap, as long as you give him lots of attention!


This is the newest addition to the gang at the shelter. She's so new, she doesn't have a name yet, but she's ready to leave now. She doesn't like the shelter one bit and is hoping some brave family will come rescue her right this minute! She has beautiful brown and black spots and is just too scared to be stuck out there!

Another one of the ADORABLE babies! Can you believe those ears!!

This beautiful Mama came in with 3 babies, just 3 weeks old. She's got two that are white and one brown one. They are at that too cute to believe stage, where they just fit in your hand. Mama is very sweet and gentle and loves to dance around the pen. They really need a foster home, won't you take them home??


adopt your own virtual pet!

My Blog

GREAT info on GI Stasis

How The Rabbit Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) works, a quick overview: (By Alex Logsdon)Digestion begins in the mouth. When the rabbit chews its food it is mixed with saliva, which contains proteins tha...
Posted by Zooh Corner on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 03:41:00 PST

Don't Feed your Rabbit Bad Treats!

Introduction....(www.rabbit.org)That cute little whiskered face is so hard to ignore, especially when your bun sits up and looks so deserving of that special treat. And pet stores sell a selection of ...
Posted by Zooh Corner on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 09:13:00 PST


Hot Weather AlertRabbits are very sensitive to heat, and the high temperatures were currently experiencing can be deady to rabbits. When it gets above 80 degress, heat stress is a real concern.Unless ...
Posted by Zooh Corner on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 02:47:00 PST

The Bunny Rules, if only they all listened!!

THE BUNNY RULES:1. A cuddle once in a while isn't going to kill me. I won't be held forever, and it's my own fault since I'm so cute.2. I will not lie down on my side with my eyes half open and imitat...
Posted by Zooh Corner on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:06:00 PST


A Survey for Pets!What type of pet are you?RabbitWhat is your name?We have lots of bunnies!What other nicknames do you have?fuzzbut, munchkin, trouble maker, sweetpeaWhat is your favorite treat?Carrot...
Posted by Zooh Corner on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 04:25:00 PST

10 Reasons to Spay and Neuter your pets

1. Every day 70, 000 puppies and kittens are born in this country while only 10, 000 people are born.2.It's simple math - there just arent enough homes for all of these animals.3.Every year 10-12 mill...
Posted by Zooh Corner on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 01:26:00 PST