Nature, humanity, the spiritual world, meditating, sharing, travel, culture, people, the arts/architecture painting, sketching, music, reading, movies, being with friends, listening, silence, contemplating, learning, discussing/debating, discovering...
THE ARTS: Surrealism, Expressionism, Cubism/Abstract,...all genres of art really....
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Unite Against AIDS
REM What's the Frequency Kenneth
Uploaded by Celtiemama
I don't think there is any form of music that i don't like. I don't have to name the so-called genres. Music is music,..whatever. If it makes you feel good, and you love it, its done its duty. For a while i have been collecting music from around the world. Its amazing to hear languages and instruments that you don't hear everyday.
Benicio Del Toro...One of my favorite Actors!
Benicio's Place Message Board
Documentaries, the theatre, or on television. I especially love LinkTV for their great groundbreaking documentaries. I also love old tv shows from the 50s, 60s and 70s and Latenight TV.
I don't read like i used to,..but i would say the best books of all time that i love are Portals to Freedom,The Prophet, Les Miserables, Beloved, and A Call to Conscience. I also love reading books on Spirituality any form of Mythology, stories of the Griots, Tales, Culture, Mysteries, ...etc.
Abdul'- Baha
I have been a Baha’i for 18 years now. The principles of the religion have always been what I have always believed. Even before I became a Baha’i. What attracted me most about the Faith is the strong adherence to the unity of mankind. True there are many people who believe this principle already,..but I feel that incorporating this principle into one’s beliefs is also very important. Throughout history man has tried to figure out solutions to help make people come together. Today millions of people have found a reasonable solution the dilemma.
The Baha’i Faith
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Kevin Locke - Walking with Beauty
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