I like stuff that makes sense, ie everything. People are cool because life is tv in realtime. People make bad choices and do stupid things just like on tv, and it's great fun to watch. But you don't even have to watch because they want to talk about it all the time, like it's not their fault! But seriously folks, I like watching people, talking to people, and helping people, and switching minds to do smarter things.
I'd like to meet everybody who wants to lead a better life, then go chase down everybody else, tie them up, and say "You WILL lead a better life! You WILL be happy with yourself!" But that kind of defeats the purpose.
I'm into it all. I'm a great lover of all music. From Led Zeppelin to Soundgarden, music is my thing!
The Mahabharata...possibly the best story of all time forever and ever. Have you heard of it? DIDN'T THINK SO, BABE!Fight Club Star Wars Matrix 400 Blows Weekend Fantastic Planet The Man Who Would Be King Spartacus and... ... Mean Girls
No time for love, Dr. Jones!
Fiction, history, biographies, mythologies, religions, photography, nature, animal, nurture, torture, and books on tape.
Captain Kirk, Julius Caeser, Jefferson, Washington, Obi-Wan Kenobi