Movies and TV, liberal politics, alternative comic books, reading, writing, gaming, cooking, exercise, stand-up, snogging, fretting over my place in the world.
Smart, funny, charismatic people who give a damn about themselves and the world around them.
Quirky nerd-pop, goth/emo, and grrl-fronted punk. Lately I've been acquiring a lot of 80s college-radio music and old-school goth.
Don't make me list my DVD collection.
New school: The Daily Show, Colbert Report, The Wire, Deadwood, Battlestar Galactica, The Office, Lost.
Old school: MST3K, Invader Zim, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Wonderfalls.
Mostly the Funny and/or the Speculative, with occasionaly forays into the Non-Fictional.
Christopher Moore, Joss Whedon, Douglas Adams, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Russ Feingold