Reading, Computers (Hey! If you use a Mac, everyone could use more friends like you! ;-) ), kids, Nascar, Soccer, . . . the piece of paper on the ground . . . ok, maybe that's too much . . . ;-) Peter Pan is a childhood favorite so I watch every one of them that come out . . . . Tinkerbell is a hottie, but you didn't hear that from me . . . lol
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Myspace Layouts
My Redhead on the beach . . . nice display to think about . . . ;-)
. . . and God how she is a display . . . ;-)
Tim McGraw/Faith Hill together, Brad Paisley, Lustral (Dance), Rammstein (German Rock), Pressed Down Shaken Together and Running Over (Christian) as well. . . . and anything else that **does not include Opera**! Opera . . . think about the Martians in Mars Invades and Bluegrass . . . ;-)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Dirty Dancing, Billy Jack series, and Top Gun (showing my age here . . . ).. -- -- .. -- --
Yes, we have several of those nasty things . . . ;-)
Anything Tom Clancy, computers or Finance/investment, or relationship specific - Currently reading: The 10 secrets to Great Sex . . . hey, gotta keep the fire burning! ;-)
My kids . . . which is why I will not be adding anyone to my friends list under the age of 21, other than family and close friends and their kids. I've just recently updated to under 21 as there have been quite a bit of kids getting added and I don't want to message anyone underage, even if you are of age, but look young(er) - too much liability these days. No offense, but don't want any misconceptions.