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~Yes it is I~

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About Me

Admin Assistant by day, Martha Fucking Stewart by night...

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My Interests

I love photography and modeling. Not the Cosmo and Glamour modeling..the throw on your favorite white cotton panties, smudge some dirt on your face and run through the woods while some weird guy takes pics of you. Now THAT'S modeling!
You're Bettie Page!

I'd like to meet:

My long distance brother in law who is WONDERFULLY FUNNY, HANDSOME AND SPEC TAC U LAR!!!


Elvis, Carpenters, Dwight Yokum, Merle Haggard, Patsy Cline and all the other artists my parents FORCED me to listen to as a kid have now become my FAVORITES!! Bon Jovi and ALL 80's hair bands RULE!

Check out Mike and Dave


True Romance is one of my favs

Pulp Fiction, Wild at Heart,Office Space, Devils Rejects, Escape from LA...Any and all horror movies from the 70's/early 80's.

LOVE the whole Halloween series. Michael Myers still stands out as one of the best fucking serial killers because he didn't have a fucking motive! He walked around and fucking killed people and that's it! What would YOU be more scared of: some looser in a hockey mask or this expressionless white face with hair coming out of it! Horror flicks rock! ESPECIALLY anything that will give me an excuse to act scared and grab my guy.


Izzard is beautifully AWESOME! Plus he's got a great pair of legs...


What would I do without Fangoria and Jackie Collins...

Last Train to Memphis, The Plum Series, The Outsiders...all great stories...


"You should be loyal to your hero...they can turn on you." - Sammi Curr The man who vowed to put up with me for the rest of his life... And who ever came up with this...

My Blog

Lots of pics here

Posted by ~Yes it is I~ on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 12:54:00 PST