kevindustrial profile picture


terror ebm has now become a parody of itself

About Me

i'm not even going to bother.

My Interests

Industrial music, sci-fi, technology, mechanics, history [world, euro and american] guns, access indigos, g707s, v-drums, loud noises, reaktor 5.0, ableton live 6.0, reason 3.0, vsts, soccer, living the american dream


most mid 80's sci fi. Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Robocop.


Anything on the History Channel.


William Gibson, Hunter S. Thompson, text books and things.


Once you impress me enough, I'll put your name here. Until then, keep trying.

My Blog

Delta City

Hey, so this week was pretty exciting. I was in Detroit twice last week. Both times my awesometacular friend Tim was around and I got to stay with him. Jan, Leann and I threw down at the Movement Fest...
Posted by kevindustrial on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:12:00 PST