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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

From the best generation of media '82 and onward. A product of the medication generation. I'm an 80s action and sci fi movie dork. I like reading books about movies that never get made.

I live with my wife, my buddy Mike and a cat that hisses at anybody but my wife. I drink till I'm drunk and I smoke till I'm senseless. I like quoting songs from the first Tricky album, apparently.

Music is best if its heavy and electronic, or pretty and electronic. Either way, I like electronics. Electronic music and metal. Sepultura, Nailbomb, pretty much anything with Max Cavalera. I don't like new EBM. Most old EBM, especially the Zoth Ommog shit, is pretty choice. Anybody who likes EBM but doesn't enjoy Nitzer Ebb is generally stupid.

ReConstriction Records and Wax Trax! were the pinnacle labels for the music that inspired me to start doing what I do. That, and action / sci fi movies from the 80s. John Carpenter made great movies before "Village of the Damned".

My Interests

I like (in no order) -- my Glitch Mode squad, my wife, making music, getting thoroughly throttled, dystopic 80s sci-fi, Schwarzenegger, Taco Bell fire sauce and listening to heavy electronic music -- Wax Trax to Rephlex, d'n'b to industrial rock, old school gangsta rap to power noise.
I don't like douchebag commercial indie rock, guys who wear girl pants, Rene Zellwegger, COSplay nerds, The Lord of the Rings, Old Style Lite, dumb chicks of the goth variety and pretty much everything else.

I'd like to meet:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Milla Jovovich, Bruce Willis, John Carpenter and Kurt Russell. I've already met all the musicians I really care to meet, except Charlie Clouser.


the Wax Trax Records era, ReConstriction Records (R.I.P), hard drum 'n' bass, DJ? Acucrack, Acumen Nation, Ministry, RevCo, Sepultura, Nailbomb, the first and last Soulfly, Meat Beat Manifesto, Front Line Assembly, Skinny Puppy, Ohgr, Cubanate, 16 Volt, Evol Intent, Chemlab, Scorn, Diatribe, Numb, Godflesh, h3llb3nt, Techno Animal, Rabbit Junk, The Shizit, Beck, Kill Nitzer Ebb, Imogen Heap, Frou Frou, NWA, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, MC Ren, Kill Memory Crash, Gridlock, Dryft, TRS-80, Failure, ON, Aphex Twin, The Flashbulb, Drumcorps, Three 6 Mafia, Alec Empire, Error, Meshuggah, Converter, Noisuf-X, Pzycho Bitch, The Dust Brothers, Brad Fiedel, Elliot Goldenthal, Alan Silvestri, and a lot more I am sure I am forgetting.


The Terminator, T2, Commando, Fight Club, Aliens, Predator, Big Trouble in Little China, The Thing, Robocop, True Romance, The Big Lebowski, Office Space, Pulp Ficiton, Strange Days, Ghostbusters, Back To The Future 1+2, Die Hard, Videodrome, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Running Man, Crank, Tetsuo The Iron Man, Equilibrium, Swimming with Sharks, Donnie Darko, Idiocracy, American Beauty, Paranoia 1.0, Freeze Frame, Demolition Man, The Professional, Very Bad Things, Spun, Total Recall, Vanilla Sky, Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead and way more that I can't remember


pre-suck The Simpsons, South Park, old "best of" SNLs, all Arrested Development, Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Married... with Children, Spaced, The IT Crowd, Dexter, Dead Like Me, Family Guy, Six Feet Under, Cathouse,


most anything by Harlan Ellison, Phillip K. Dick, Richard Matheson or William Gibson, "Tales from Development Hell", "Rebel Without a Crew", "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs", "The Running Man" and Roger Ebert movie guides from 1994


Jack Burton, John Matrix, Robert Rodriguez, David Cronenberg, John Carpenter and people who get real paid on those pop trivia VH1 shows.

My Blog

life’s episodic misadventures

I was just taking a look at my last few posts. I really never do update this shit. Maybe I will now. I was thinking I should keep a tour blog or something.I am going to be on the road again soon. 18 s...
Posted by Sean on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 01:00:00 PST


I never update this shit.Maybe that will change soon?Take a look at record label site is up and running (finally).Buy some stuffs?
Posted by Sean on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:28:00 PST

goddamn I say goddamn

Anybody who knows the origins of the line in my title header gets +5 points.I gots to wake up at 9 a.m. tomorrow.I haven't been awake that early unless I was just getting ready to sleep in months.Godd...
Posted by Sean on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

so -- its nearly 2 a.m.

Every word said is post exit from work. 4 beers and a copious amount of cannabis from my co-writer later to be exact. Candice is watching T.V. for tweens in the living room. We both have a st...
Posted by Sean on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST