try me on aim at zer0will or at YeaSoIWearAKilt
this is myspace, if you take it seriously, then youre probably the type who believes everything they read on the internet, if i dont want someone to know something, i dont post it...but all in all, i dont really care so
about me? why does it always have to be about me? me me me, what about you huh? how about you? did you ever think of that? i dont want to know about me, i know me, as a matter of fact, i believe ive met me on more than one occasion... ...and no i dont take myself seriously so dont go flyin off the handle about anything, i dont care, im frienldy, a great conversationalist, and try to find humor in everything, why? because no one should take life that seriously, i just like to do whatever the moment calls for
Some Guinness was spilt on the barroom floor,
When the pub was shut for the night.
When out of his hole crept a wee brown mouse,
And stood in the pale moonlight...
He lapped up the frothy foam from the floor,
Then back on his haunches he sat.
And all night long, you could hear the mouse roar,
"Bring on the goddamn cat!"
George Carlin said it best about Martha Stewart . “Boy, I feel a lot safer now that she’s behind bars. O.J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant are still walking around; Osama Bin Laden too, but they take the ONE woman in America willing to cook, clean, and work in the yard, and haul her butt off to jail.â€