*karma* profile picture



About Me

My poofytailed alter ego.... :o)I love: CSI * Tattoos * The ocean * Too much espresso * Windy autumn nights * Hugs * Loud music and angry dancing * Puppies * Surfing * Physics * Law & Order * Travel * Homemade chocolate-chip cookies * Old houses * Fashion * Unexpected key or time-signature changes * Brightly-colored hair * Honesty * Big stompy boots * Chianti * Fighting fish * Exotic foods * Always having something to learn * Cultural immersion * Moments of invincibility * Photography * Jet Skis * Linear Thought * Margaritas * Crazy eyeliner * Kittens * Dancing * My Grandmother * Staying ahead of the crowd * Adrenaline * Pin-up Art * Sexy shoes * Sharing food ............................................................ ............................................................ .... I am SO not ok with: Pretense * Indoor Birds * Closed minds * Education just for the sake of "getting it done" * Catholic guilt * People that spill their guts, then try to take it back * Fear * Muscle cars from the 1980s * "Serious" mullets * Ambiguity * Lies * Pesticides * Intolerance * Purse Dogs * formatting this #&*$%#!!! section! ............................................................ ............................................................ ....... Life is totally, incredibly, and unendingly fascinating, you just have to PAY ATTENTION. It's when you get wrapped up in yourself that things start to go wrong, and soon enough, you're miserable because your "whole world" (read: yourself) is on a downward spiral.It's my mission in life to avoid that spiral by experiencing, sharing, creating, indulging, and in general just staying conscious of the dizzying array of wonder that the world offers.Sound a little idealistic? Sure.But it beats moping. ;o)

My Interests

Music (performing, writing, composing, listening, discussing...you name it), books, any and all outdoor sports except rock climbing, which i've never gotten a chance for, cooking for zillions of people at a time, crunching numbers (yeah, i know), dancing like a white girl, provoking socio-political/philosophical conversations when they're not expected...SURFING (and with it, obviously, swimming, bodysurfing, even boogieboarding if the urge strikes)... obsessing over forensic psychology and pathology (dead people and people who want to *make* dead people) and whining about why I'm not poking at the bodies or the brains that make this field so fascinating

I'd like to meet:

People who are fun, motivated (even in non-stereotypical ways), active and/or creative...KC locals that aren't full of themselves and/or a certain "image", and people that actually SAY what they mean....Laird Hamilton. Ami James. Jerry Bruckheimer. George Berkeley. Kay Hanley. Carlos Mencia. BF Skinner. Henry Rollins. Oscar Wilde. Steve Irwin. Rachael Ray. Stephen Colbert. Baz Luhrmann. Brian dePalma. Catherine d'Avignon...

The hotness.
I have beautiful friends.









*the prodigals*




the rest of the beauty...


Pre-1995 punk rock. Any jazz or blues--old or new--and almost everything else (from Dropkick Murphys to Norah Jones to the Breeders and the Prodigals; Outkast to Jeff Buckley to Schubert to Avail)... Baroque on a lazy Sunday morning, smoky jazz just about any time. Anything touched by Henry Rollins. Still have a soft spot for darkwave (does that even work?!) and old-school gloomy gothiness; Echo and the Bunnymen make me very, very happy. Bowie too, but that's another story.Recently rediscovered Letters to Cleo (kay hanley, more specifically) and the goo goo dolls' older stuff. Nostalgia is fulfilling sometimes. :o) Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
Shane MacGowan... unconsciously brilliant. You can intelligently debate any topic from theology, history, literature and philosphy... though only while you're out of your skull on booze.
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Bring it. Studio, Indie, filmed in Bocephus' back yard... nothing speaks quite like film, and I'll appreciate anything anyone has to offer. That said...i'm partial to stuff that makes me laugh 'til I spray water out my nose.


Boo. Sucks the brain....addicted to NUMB3RS (cbs, pleeeeeease don't cancel it!!), CSI, Court TV, and Law & Order. Not entirely realistic, but just enough gore and discomfort to be fascinating. I have issues. I'm aware. And Mythbusters, but that's mostly just 'cos i'd like to get paid to make stuff explode.


If you really care, ask me. The list is too long and diverse, and if you're someone who can discuss literature/writing, then you'll care enough to ask, otherwise, it's kinda inconsequential.

adopt your own virtual pet!meow.


My grandmother. Seriously.

My Blog


I don't even really know why I'm even writing...I haven't had a discernable emotion in a couple of days--they're THERE, I just can't tell what they are-- and I don't even entirely know what's wrong, I...
Posted by *karma* on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 01:43:00 PST

Silly survey

1. Do you still talk to the person who broke your heart the worst?Nope. I talk to the runner-up, though.2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?Yeah3. Are you obsessed with someone?That's a stron...
Posted by *karma* on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:56:00 PST

...it’s not that i don’t respect your opinion...

I don't know where to start, really. See...I have this issue with zealots of ANY persuasion. If you live, breathe, eat, and sleep any one thing, you can't help but lose perspective. There are ver...
Posted by *karma* on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:11:00 PST

Midwest Drivers + Rain...

I don't get it. I know i've lived here for over a year now, and I guess I should be more enculturated by this point, but there are certain things that I just can't seem to get used to. I mean, the who...
Posted by *karma* on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 01:16:00 PST

go friggin’ figure.

Apparently, when you listen to Tool and Black Light Burns all day at work, you gradually develop a really icky, generally-impatient, slow-burn-style BAD MOOD.It's not the end-of-month-finances bad moo...
Posted by *karma* on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 02:52:00 PST

Lunch-break survey...

I'll write something with actual content ONE of these days. No, really. I'm reading the questions/previous answers as I go, so this should keep me amused for a few minutes.1. Where were you at 3:02 AM...
Posted by *karma* on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 12:21:00 PST

Stupid survey thingie...I needed a break :o)

1. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?Meeeh. One never knows, but there are other priorities in life. 2. What color are your eyes? blue, usually.3. What's the last thing some...
Posted by *karma* on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 01:43:00 PST


I think that one of the more disturbing things about this whole "getting older" business is the self-discovery aspect. Seriouslysometimes I realize things about myself that just SUCK; things that I'v...
Posted by *karma* on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 03:09:00 PST


Hahaaaaa..."i don't know WHAT they're talking about...."Stupid tarot, stupid moon, stupid...ok, it's just too funny to be indignant about. HA! You are The Moon Hope, expectation, Bright promises. Th...
Posted by *karma* on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:29:00 PST

...i have no idea whats going onnn...

Hmmm.Apparently, the overwhelming grumpiness of Wednesday Morning (see previous blog entry) had a purpose. Not so much a VALID purpose, but a purpose, no less. See, it seems that there was a Giant Mig...
Posted by *karma* on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:49:00 PST