The Name Is Meagan Monique Good, Some of you might recognize me from some movies. Well my favorite color is Purple, I Like to Go out and go to clubs with my sister.....for realz.....I Really like to eat YAMS AND SEAFOOD!!!!!! LOL !!!! i know you might be saying "why?" i don't know they taste good. But i was born in Panorama , California but I was raised in Valcenia , California! I am black, Indian (cherokee), French and Puerto Rican. My Favorite music artists are: Aaliyah, Isyss, No Doubt, Gods Smack, Linkin Park, White Snail, and Worn. I Also enjoy a lot of older rock music. Fredro Starr asked me out but i turned him down! LOL ! he wasn't that cute! hehe......And Ohhh my goodness i wore metal braces in my teen years but i think thats all i'm going to say...... hehe:) but i like to speak my mind im not a hater and im not a liar those two things are not on my list so if your one of them i suggest you leave now. but i like to voice my opinion on things and i am a very outgoing person and i have so many things on my mind. this is why i come on here to release all the stress and tension. but please do not send me any messages asking me if im real dont worry i will post some recent photos. ;)