Dave profile picture



About Me

errr...crazied, impatient, persistant, intrigued, bizare, confused, and often a bit lost...

about me huh? well i'm Dave your out going fun loving idiot boy from bristol town, currently in coventry studying politics and international relatiosn and throughly enjoying it! best people in the world! maybe hah
i run a small independant booking agency called parallel booking. its hardwork but the rewards are worth their weight in gold
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My Interests

Booking tours, riding bmx, going to shows, snowboarding, collecting vinyl, meeting new people...

I'd like to meet:

someone who can sort my head out...but not sort it too much!

i dont add bands here or promoters anymore!!

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in no order...mad caddies, strung out, aphex twin, boysetsfire, therapy?, greenday, mr zippy, dillinja, dj shadow, dj yoda, dj hype, farse(rip), kenisia, prodigy, feeder, idlewild, five knuckle, the rejects, the spartans, idle tuesday, in blue jeans, capdown, captain everything, roots manuva, snuff, sublime(rip), frenzal rhomb, blame it on edd, weezer, misfits, two shot blast, against me, tilt, morcheeba, robolint, mumrah, no comply, adequate7, four dumb kids, snuff, rythmic coughing, consumed(rip), filaments, five iron frenzy(rip), dj zinc, de la soul, cephas(rip), nofx, jurrasic 5, king prawn(rip), the foamers, outer limits, 4th flaw, the rub, the misnomer, pickled dick, mellow dramatic, red lights flash, fireapple red, lightyear(rip), howards alias, desa, good riddance, beatsteaks, shootin goon(rip), the offspring, greenday, voodoo glow skulls, thrice, leftover crack, chocking victim(rip), the presidents of the united states(rip), mr scruff, dj format...more to be added soon!.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..


robin hood prince of theives, a time to kill, american history x, cruel intentions, shawshank redemption, pirates of the carribean, back to the future, indiana jones, lock stock and two smoking barrels, 187, snatch, usual suspects, oceans11...will add more when can be bothered


Red Dwarf, Black Books, 2Dtv, Family Guy, Coupling, My Family, Question Time, Newsnight (i do politics go figure!)


anything by Jack Higgins ie Eagle has Landed for one! Jane Walkers Color Purple and Jeanette Wintersons Oranges are not the only Fruit


my parents! my mates! any band who put themselves on the road to spread their music! and especially tom, what a legend he is!

My Blog

6 months since last one...

...i still have the beard
Posted by Dave on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 07:32:00 PST

the ongoing adventures of Dave Brent, aged 21 and half

...i have a beard! apparently the bigger consensus says its ace, i personally aint bothered either way! its staying cause it saves on effort i've been all over the place as ever, doing what i do, and...
Posted by Dave on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 05:37:00 PST

my summer...

this summer i have been to..   3 UK festivals à           ;          Wasted in Blackpool   ...
Posted by Dave on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 05:10:00 PST

so tired but...

...off to amsterdam week friday...fucking result! check www.myspace.com/mumrah for more info!! hope alls well with everyone!
Posted by Dave on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 03:45:00 PST

i am awesome! thanks for asking!

hey hey bloody cunt fucking wank stained piss smelling dick headed landlords! when you think all is sorted something has to go tits up! our landlord for next year, for the house that was awesome, has ...
Posted by Dave on Thu, 25 May 2006 06:11:00 PST


hey hey if u didnt already know i'm out in france snowboarding! s'been awesome and todays gotta of been the best day i've ever had boarding! morning was spent building and jumping a kicker...pics/vid...
Posted by Dave on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 07:36:00 PST

blaaaaaaaaaa...essay escapism!

hello hello. i seem to be posting a few of these things recently! probs cause a fair bits been going on and stuff! so its the two week countdown to france! my essay deadline should probs take priori...
Posted by Dave on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 08:47:00 PST

The Game?!

The Game:The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits/truths about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird things/habits/truths, as well as st...
Posted by Dave on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 03:46:00 PST


evening all! fuck knows how many people ACTUALLY read this and know me but they must get a random picture! anyways more to the point its me and lonces 21st thursday! so if your in the cov area ...
Posted by Dave on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 03:06:00 PST

...more recently!

hey all alots been going on, alot of bad stuffs happened, alot of worrying stuff, alot of new stuff! but also alot of good stuff! my health is good, my friends are strong, and my family are well! an...
Posted by Dave on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 03:51:00 PST