-all the way from the other side of the world between europe & africa,Kyle (JUNKIE K) Start his djing career as teenager,joining a Dj Crew after moving to
the U.S Chicago city,after time of Dj battles and Spinning in the most
popular nightClubs such: Excalibure-Origin-Zentra,decide to take it to the next level by starting his own Production company(MIXINart) in MIAMI summer 2004,after having Djing the main job and being known in south florida rocking southbeach Clubs,today Junkie k spends most of his time producing
tunes in the studio or on the road for gigs everywhere from newyork.chicago.miami.spain.morocco." says:the payoff for me is seeing people dancing and having a great time during my set",now the live experience can be brought into your own living room by listening to one of JK mixes albums,always looking forward to a new ideas and different ways to put tracks-mixes to a better sound,to the world and music lovers.
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