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About Me

home : Comment : Add : Message
facebook : website : towriteloveonherarmsIn the words of the mighty Frank Carter:
"We're not at an Aerosmith concert for fucks sake.
Get down, dickhead."
Hi! I'm Katy, and I have finally hit twenty-one. Kind of awkward looking, loudmouthed tomboy, with very few social graces. Flupentixol dependent. 98% of the time you can see most of my underwear above my jeans. I can come across as pretty acerbic or mordant, but I'm actually really gregarious and endearing if you give me a chance. I used to ride boards and bikes at a junior professional level. Now I do it because I can't live without it. I work as a commercial photographer for an international company, and I adore my job. It compliments my itchy feet perfectly by always keeping me travelling. I don't drink, smoke, or eat anything that has a face or a bottom. Please note : this does NOT mean I don't know how to have fun. I have a MASSIVE issue with all forms of waste. Wasted time, wasted effort, wasted affection. As a result of this I tend not to say or do anything that affects other people, unless it is abolutely necessary. This summer I am looking to meet other surfers, skaters and BMXers, on their search for the ultimate ride. I'd also love to meet someone willing to teach me the things I have yet to learn, and anyone wanting to learn the things I am able to teach. My favourite Suicide Girls are Shere and Fractal. To me they are perfection. I love how people will always surprise you, be it for better or worse it never fails to keep me on my toes. Some of my friends are married, some are headed that way. Others have had their first child or are awaiting a new arrival. I guess I'd be feeling old and a little left behind right now if I wasn't busy having so much fucking fun! Generally, I live for the odd moments of clarity in an otherwise foggy existence. That, and the days when I can lie in bed quoting Baudrillard and eating jam from a spoon.

"Don't let anyone break you. Find good people who care about you and surround yourself with just them. If you can't find them at first, find good music and fall into it, let it hold you until they come..." - Davey Havok

creatives; intellectuals; dreamers;

Anyone who is
REAL [ree-uhl, reel] adj. - Being no less than what is stated; worthy of the name. Having verifiable existence, free from pretense and falsehood. Genuine and Sincere.
Anyone who has
SUBSTANCE [suhb-stuhns] noun. - To have a separate or independent existence. The very essence of something as opposed to the appearance or shadow.
Anyone who knows how to
PARTY [pahr-tee] noun. - To enjoy oneself thoroughly and without restraint; indulge in pleasure.
Anyone who understands true
BEAUTY [byoo-tee] noun. - The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality.

I adore you!
You boys are my...

036. PIEBALD | 21/08/07
035. PORTHOLLAND | 20/07/07
034. NEWQUAY | 12/07/07
033. NECROSIS | 09/07/07
032. HURDLE | 03/06/07
030. RELATIVITY | 16/05/07
029. MIXYEATSTOASTIES | 07/03/07
028. HONESTY | 10/02/07
027. DESERVED | 13/01/07
026. TWOZEROZEROSIX | 31/12/06
025. WISHLIST | 24/12/06
024. NERVOSA | 14/12/06
023. IRRITATING | 08/12/06
022. RELIC | 29/11/06
021. INVITIATION | 17/11/06
020. SPECTACLES | 06/09/06
019. COMMUNICATION 29/08/06
018. IDOLESS | 17/08/06
017. PASSING | 14/06/06
016. MALFUNCTION | 13/05/06
015. DISAPPOINTED 02/04/06
014. WIGAN | 12/03/06
013. QUESTION | 06/03/06
012. RETURNING | 04/03/06
011. ENDISFOREVER | 23/01/06
010. 2 ZEROZERO 5 27/12/05
009. COASTLINE | 26/12/05
008. SCREAMOUT | 12/12/05
007. CONSEQUENCE | 03/11/05
006. ALL HALLOWS | 01/11/05
005. REPETITION | 07/09/05
004. HOMESICK | 22/08/05
003. SEARCHING | 09/08/05
002. KINETIC | 08/08/05
001. L'ANNIVERSAIRE | 22/05/05

My Interests



I'd like to meet:




calendar CALENDAR.---------------------------------- APRIL. 02/04 | aiden @ manchester academy 25/04 | pk's 21st birthday! 26/04 | smudge @ nantwich ---------------------------------- MAY. 03/05 | parkway drive @ academy 3 03/05 | smudge+me v hero @ bar fever, wigan 16/05 | all time low+cobra starship @ acad3 18/05 | red jumpsuit apparatus+kta @ roadhouse 19/05 | my 22nd birthday! (old bastard) 21/05 | cancer bats+johnny truant @ satans 21/05 | big d+sonic boom 6 @ club academy 22/05 | story of the year+the blackout @ acad1 23/05 | kids in glass houses @ academy 3 25/05 | the loved ones @ satans hollow 26/05 | boys like girls @ club academy ---------------------------------- JUNE. 07/06 | smudge @ roadkill, liverpool 09/06 | cartel+the secret handshake @ clubacad 10/06 | alesana @ academy 3 ---------------------------------- JULY. 05/07 | down south surfing 09/07 | back up north 09/07 | comeback kid+shai hulud @ academy 11/07 | the rockett summer @ academy 2 16/07 | smudge @ music box ---------------------------------- AUGUST. 04/08 | rip curl boardmasters @ newquay!! 11/08 | back from boardmasters 18/08 | azriel @ music box ----------------------------------


My Blog

036. Piebald | 21/08/07

PIEBALD - THE JEALOUS GUY BLUES.If you can't see it doesn't mean its not thereI will take a seat in the electric chairIt's the way the cookie crumbles and the plays always fairI got you, I got you - h...
Posted by screamout! on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:09:00 PST

035. Portholland | 20/07/07

Home is where the heart is.My best friend took me back to Portholland, on the last day of my holiday with the boys.I did alot of my growing up by this little village.Its pretty important to me.Here's ...
Posted by screamout! on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:47:00 PST

034. Newquay | 12/07/07

Hello!As promised, here are the photos from the week the boys and I spent in Newquay.It was fun and games although the weather wasn't perfect and I can't wait to be back down there in a couple of week...
Posted by screamout! on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 07:59:00 PST

033. Necrosis | 09/07/07

So i've been away with the boys back down to Newquay, to catch up with old mates and clear my head.I return yesterday to find that Send More Paramedics have called it a day.A bit gutted I am!They're a...
Posted by screamout! on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 05:09:00 PST

032. Hurdle | 03/06/07

Please spare a thought in your mind today forDavid Dimelow.14/03/86 - 03/06/06They promised me it would be easier sweetheart but one year on, I can still hear you laughing.Will visit later, I have a c...
Posted by screamout! on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 07:53:00 PST

030. relativity | 16/05/07

"The Good Fight"Consider the odds, Consider the obvious. The martyr is meaningless, The campaign has died. In the planning stages and the fallen faces Are the singular proof that it was ever alive. Th...
Posted by screamout! on Wed, 16 May 2007 10:15:00 PST

029. mixyeatstoasties | 07/03/07

this is going to be a short is a sad day for bunny-kind.bugsy malone the legend rabbit passed away today at 3:20pm.i realise many of you will remember him, and i thought everyone should know.t...
Posted by screamout! on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 02:14:00 PST

027. deserved | 13/01/07

HAYLEY WILLIAMS IS NOT PUNK ROCK.Discuss below in 500 words.(this is in no way a verbal attack on hayley williams, so stop pouting.)Browsing myspace, it is pretty much impossible to ignore Paramore's ...
Posted by screamout! on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:23:00 PST

026. twozerozerosix | 31/12/06

so last year i wrote this long winded blog about the happenings of the year.of which there were many might i add.the blog can be found here for anyone interested.if anything can be said of this year, ...
Posted by screamout! on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 07:23:00 PST

025. wishlist | 24/12/06

I will be sending the following list up my chimney tonight.Dear Santa, It would be so amazing if at least one of my wishes come true this year.Katy's Wishes...01. My baby brother gets his eyes back.02...
Posted by screamout! on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 04:17:00 PST