My Favourite People...I love these guys.
Greg Simkins. Alex Pardee. So you're in a band you say??? Fantastic now fuck off. If you ignore this make sure you're not an indie band, aspiring rapper or dance dj. Check my band list for genres that i tolerate if you're completely retarded. Decent clothing companies and jewellery makers. I do a lot of internet shopping for things i have no need for. Jokesters. I don't like freaks. If i delete you once don't add me again. I don't like haters. Doing the dirty on the internet is purely patetic or a regurgitation of what someone else has already attempted to do. If you can be witty or origional about it then fair enough, it can be giggled away, but most of you aren't so don't bother. I don't like random adds. I'm trying to keep my friend list relatively managable and hate spending ages looking for the people i want to talk to, so unless you live near don't bother.
I'm getting back into my pop punk... Band of the moment: Over It
Spun AMightyWind DuskTilDawn PulpFiction HowlsMovingCastle BattleRoyale KungFuHustle RomyAndMichelle DonnieDarko GoodWillHunting HarryPotter LordOfTheRings Unbreakable ShortCircuit EdWood 51stState FromHell Dogma SleepyHollow AmericanBeauty EdwardScissorhands 12Monkeys BigFish Beetlejuice CapeFear HouseOnHauntedHill TheFifthElement TheRockyHorrorPictureShow RaisingArizona TheWickerman 8mm TheUsualSuspects HouseOfAThousandCorpses DevilsRejects Splash Constantine AmericanPsycho Blade LiveFlesh Labyrinth GhostWorld TheButterflyEffect SpiritedAway Signs FaceOff
AnyRealityShows Friends SelfHelp Invasion MockTheWeek Cardcaptors Roswell Scrubs FamilyGuy TheJeremyKyleShow Senselss Wildboyz Hollyoaks RickiLake QueerEye TheWonderYears BuffyTheVampireSlayer Will&Grace Skins HaveIGotNewsForYou GrahamNorton
My little pumpkin. This tiny terror is the only great thing in my life right now. My feelings towards nippers completely changed when he came into the world. There isn't anyhting i wouldn't do for him.