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MAY 15TH – 6PM Eastern Time
"Open Your Eyes" Video
Interview With "Open Your Eyes" Video Directors
MAY 16TH – 6PM Eastern Time
Special Episode – YFE on M+
In Case You Missed YFE On M+ TV
MAY 17TH – 6PM Eastern Time
Video Kills The Radio Stars
From The Music Plus Set To The Side Of The Street
MAY 19TH – 6PM Eastern Time
Episode 52 – SEF's Fans Speaking
A Few Testimonies From Sef's Influent Fans
MAY 21ST - 6PM Eastern Time
Another Day Another Airport
A Few Shots Before Leaving For Japan
MAY 22ND – 6PM Eastern Time
A Tear From The YFE Pit
Witnessing Passion From The Band's Red Room
MAY 24TH - 6PM Eastern Time
Live From LCN's News Set
Images Of Jeff & Miss Isabel's Interview
MAY 26TH – 6PM Eastern Time
Episode 53 – Tonight In The News
Putting Sexy Back In Good News
When Alex Foster (vocals), Jeff Beaulieu (guitar), Sef (guitar), Ben Lemelin (bass), Miss Isabel (vocals and keys) and Charles Moose Allicy (drums) got together to form Your Favorite Enemies in 2006, they decided to manage every single aspect of the band's career based on their community values and their "do it yourself" attitude. Already known for the their commitment towards human rights, Foster being a fervent spokesperson for Amnesty International and a passionate youth speaker, Your Favorite Enemies' distinctive blend of dirty and polished types of melodic textures and their introspective and empowering lyrics instantaneously attracted musical fanatics from all over the world, who organically and spontaneously turned their passion for the band into an incredible multitude of street teams, communities, fan sites and forums emerging in every major city on the planet.
Therefore, inspired by such astounding support and submerged by an impressive number of requests to buy the nowhere to be found music of Your Favorite Enemies, the 6 musicians took the decision to create the label Hopeful Tragedy Records in April 2007 in order to offer the self-produced 5 songs EP and fan exclusive "And If I Was To Die In the Morning… Would I Still Be Sleeping With You", released on June 1st, for only $10 worldwide, shipping included. However, facing a strong reluctance and a major lack of support from the band's former advisers, who doubted that any potential success would come out of such an audacious operation, the musicians kept their vision of honoring their fans' faithfulness with a ridiculously low and worldly standardized cost for anyone willing to purchase their EP from Montreal to Tokyo.
Since many people were expecting a monumental flop and a pretty hurtful move for the band's career, the decision to create a record label in order to sell their EP via their own online store, turned out to be the determinant breaking point for Your Favorite Enemies. The Montreal musicians ended 2007 with more than 30 thousand sold copies of their EP, a first European promotional headlining tour, a meet and greet with the Japanese community members in Tokyo, an unbelievable coverage by major international medias and the creation of Hopeful Tragedy Records' multi-media branch dedicated to developing new web initiatives and producing their successful weekly podcast shows on "YFE-TV"; different elements turning Your Favorite Enemies into one of the most exciting new "Do It Yourself" bands to emerge from the non-traditional music model.
Needless to say that, if 2007 is a good indication of what the future has in store for Your Favorite Enemies, the upcoming year should be an undoubtedly interesting one for the 6 musicians from Montreal, who have just been called one of the top 5 bands to watch out for in 2008 by Billboard Magazine, setting the pace for their most awaited new album due out in late Spring… on Hopeful Tragedy Records.