Biggsy profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey guys n gals tis Biggsy. In a word i am completely bonkers (yes i know that's two words). Some would say i'm lively and am great ta get on with, others would say i'm ok and the rest either don't know me or hate my guts but that's just life. i am quite bouncy and am always up for a laugh. i love ta sing, i thik it a great pass time and helps me cheer up wen i down. it is very hard to embarass me as i lost all my dignity a long time ago and nothing bothers me. i love all ma mates from college who are always there for me when i need them.
i need to mention my girlfriend who thinks i'm too nice for my own good as well (yes, i robbed that from her profile). she's great and always puts up with me :) although she usually the one doin the windin up :O makesa change tbh lmao. lv u bby :)
if anyone feels compelled ta add me on msn here's the addy: [email protected]
p.s. this change in profile is inspried by amie who told me she was changin hers
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My Interests

i have many interests. singing, playin football, going out with my mates, listenin to music and so on

I'd like to meet:

Avenged Sevenfold/ Dragonforce/ Trivium/ Papa Roach/ Bullet for my Valentine/ Tencious D


rock/ heavy metal


.. fsmismyhero

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